
2022-06-09 17:05:43




  从这个满分标准上来看,考官无非主要从三个方面考量,第一内容(T.D.), 第二形式(L.U.),第三感觉(D.) ,但是托福作为一个语言测试最重要的无非是第二点,语言运用,即形式上的要求。那么我们接下来就利用OG上给出的tpo 2的两道例题及其满分范答来对此标准进行简单的分析吧。

  Task 1

  Choose a place you go to often that is important to you. Explain why the place is important. Please include specific details and example in your response.


  I would like to go, uh, I often go to France because I met a friend of mine, uh, two years ago. And she invited me already several times and I've been there already for several times and I always have been fascinated by French history and I began to read books, well, though in Russian. But not in French, when I was 12. And I've been already in the South, so right now I'm going to the north of the country. And I would like to try their famous yogurt, cheese, wine, and uh, just see the ... (97 words)


  首先我们回顾一下ETS对于口语独立题评分的三个标准。内容上要求sustained和sufficient,我们来看一下这个回答,97个词,出现了多个不同的元素,如“met a friend of mine, two years ago","read books when I was 12","been to the South ... going to the north"之类的信息,这就是细节,97个词,不算太多也不算太少,刚刚好。

  接下来是语言,语言部分要求的是“effective use,a fairly high degree of automaticity”,即对于英语的 “有效使用” 和“能十分流利自如地使用简单或复杂的句子结构”,同学们可以仔细过一遍这个回答,发现很难的单词没有?并没有对不对?这些词汇,除了fascinate是四级词汇,其他的词汇都是初中甚至小学的词汇,也就是说同学们不要老是担心词汇量不够的问题,你英语学了3,5年,你的初中高中词汇作为基本的口语词汇应该是没有问题的了,重点就看你能不能想到去用它,有没有用过它。此外,句子也没有太多的所谓长难句或复杂句型,只有一些简单的状语从句和定语从句,简单,直白,不易引起歧义,由此可见我们口语对于语言的要求不过达意而已。最后一项是说的感觉,也就是语音语调和语速的部分。这一项的要求其实也并不高,只要你吐词清晰,语速适中,能够让考官辨认出你说的内容,没有造成理解内容上大的阻碍,感觉这一关就算过了。这个具体可以参考同时上传的两段回答的对应音频。

  Task 2 Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subjects in order to get a broad education. Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeper understanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?


  This is uh, kind of complicated question. I think, uh, it's important to know which stage, uh, you are at. If you are uh, an undergraduate student, I would rather to take um, wide range, and wide variety of subjects in different areas, because it would expand my knowledge, would improve my understanding for different topics. On the other hand, if I'm graduate student, I would rather to take specific courses because if you don't, eh, when you are graduate student, you're working , and dealing with special topics, and therefore you have to follow... ... (94 words)


  我们来看一下这段回答,基本也是符合了上述点评中解析的三个标准的要求。首先内容部分我们就不说了。再看语言,词汇方面,“complicated”,”stage ”,“undergraduate” ,“expand”,“specific”都是四级词汇,感觉更难是因为TASK 2涉及到了一些如教育,科技等比起第一题相对更专业的话题,所以会有一些专有概念词汇,比如“undergraduate”,“course”,这些增加了用词准确性的难度,但是句型方面依然是比较单一,主要用的都是 “if ..., then ..." 的假设条件句。这再次验证了独立题的语言要求并不太高,以能达意为主。所以同学们在复习的时候切记为了玩儿花样套用复杂句式而滥用所谓套句高级句,最后连话都说不清楚导致失分的悲剧。
