
2022-05-26 22:52:23


  主谓一致 1. 定语从句

  (1)A of B + that v. 逻辑关系判断出that引导的定语从句修饰A还是B,来决定单复数

  (2)(only/but)one of 复数名词 + that V.(复数)

  (3)the(only)one of 复数名词 + that V.(单数) 2. 倒装结构

  (1) there be A and B ,be动词由A决定

  (2) 全倒装结构中,谓语动词形式由谓语动词后的主语的形式决定

  e.g. Out of sth. grows a market for…(a market 决定grows)

  At stake,…,is the solvency of the bank…(the solvency 决定is)

  (3) 部分倒装结构中,主语前的助动词由主语决定

  3. 一般规则

  (1) 复数名词/代词 + each + V. (复数)

  each of 复数名词 + V. (单数)

  (2) 物质名词(equipment,stone,citrus,iron,milk,dioxin)作主语,用单数

  (3) 数词+单位词复数+of+不可数名词/物质名词,谓语V用复数

  e.g. From 1050 to 1350, several million tons of stone were quarried in France for…

  (4) 学科名词主语,V单数(statistics作统计数据,economics作经济政策,V复数)

  (5) A or B / not A but B / either A or B / A nor B / not only A but also B / neither A nor B ,


  (6) A with B / A, including B / A as well as B / A, together with B / A, along with B / A, no less than B / A, more than B / A besides B / A except B (随前A一致)

  (7) No+名词 , 后面的谓语V由改名词决定

  (8) a total of + 复数名词,V复

  the number of + 复数名词,V单 a number of + 复数名词,V复 the average of + 复数名词,V单 an average of + 复数名词,V复

  (9) neither/不定式短语/ing分词短语,作主语,V单


  2. the lack of…has made it difficult to trace …..√ the lack of…has made it difficult in tracing ….×

  (作形式宾语的it,不能向后指代介词短语in tracing)

  11. estimated at 后常用价格等数量词,除此外的概念优先用estimated to be 15. a descendant of 而不是from

  30. little water or services ×(前面的修饰词也要同时能修饰两个名词)

  31. both the power of the chips and the electronic devices…× (power和device概念不对称) 应该是the power of both the chips and the electronic devices
