
2022-06-07 08:27:57


  It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction

  with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim

  advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.

  There are three groups of consumers who are affected

  (5) by the marketing process. First, there is the market

  segment—people who need the commodity in question.

  Second, there is the program target—people in the

  market segment with the “best fit” characteristics for a

  specific product. Lots of people may need trousers, but

  (10) only a few qualify as likely buyers of very expensive

  designer trousers. Finally, there is the program audience

  ―all people who are actually exposed to the

  marketing program without regard to whether they need

  or want the product.

  (15) These three groups are rarely identical. An exception

  occurs occasionally in cases where customers for a

  particular industrial product may be few and easily iden-

  tifiable. Such customers, all sharing a particular need,

  are likely to form a meaningful target, for example, all

  (20) companies with a particular application of the product

  in question, such as high-speed fillers of bottles at brew-

  eries. In such circumstances, direct selling (marketing that

  reaches only the program target) is likely to be

  economically justified, and highly specialized trade

  (25) media exist to expose members of the program target—

  and only members of the program target—to the

  marketing program.

  Most consumer-goods markets are significantly

  different. Typically, there are many rather than few

  (30) potential customers. Each represents a relatively small

  percentage of potential sales. Rarely do members of a

  particular market segment group themselves neatly into

  a meaningful program target. There are substantial

  differences among consumers with similar demographic

  (35) characteristics. Even with all the past decade’s advances

  in information technology, direct selling of consumer

  goods is rare, and mass marketing—a marketing

  approach that aims at a wide audience—remains the

  only economically feasible mode. Unfortunately, there

  (40) are few media that allow the marketer to direct a

  marketing program exclusively to the program target.

  Inevitably, people get exposed to a great deal of

  marketing for products in which they have no interest

  and so they become annoyed.

  1. The passage suggests which of the following about

  highly specialized trade media?

  (A) They should be used only when direct selling is not

  economically feasible.

  (B) They can be used to exclude from the program

  audience people who are not part of the program


  (C) They are used only for very expensive products.

  (D) They are rarely used in the implementation of

  marketing programs for industrial products.

  (E) They are used only when direct selling has not

  reached the appropriate market segment.

  2. According to the passage, most consumer-goods

  markets share which of the following characteristics?

  Ⅰ. Customers who differ significantly from each other

  Ⅱ. Large numbers of potential customers

  Ⅲ. Customers who each represent a small percentage of

  potential sales

  (A) Ⅰ only

  (B) Ⅱ only

  (C) Ⅰ and Ⅱ only

  (D) Ⅱ and Ⅲ only

  (E) Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ

  3. The passage suggests which of the following about

  direct selling?

  (A) It is used in the marketing of most industrial


  (B) It is often used in cases where there is a large

  program target.

  (C) It is not economically feasible for most marketing


  (D) It is used only for products for which there are many

  potential customers.

  (E) It is less successful at directing a marketing program

  to the target audience than are other marketing


  4. The author mentions “trousers” (lines 9 and 11) most

  likely in order to

  (A) make a comparison between the program target and

  the program audience

  (B) emphasize the similarities between the market

  segment and the program target

  (C) provide an example of the way three groups of

  consumers are affected by a marketing program

  (D) clarify the distinction between the market segment

  and the program target

  (E) introduce the concept of the program audience

  5. Which of the following best exemplifies the situation

  described in the last two sentences of the passage?

  (A) A product suitable for women age 21-30 is marketed

  at meetings attended only by potential customers.

  (B) A company develops a new product and must

  develop an advertising campaign to create a market

  for it.

  (C) An idea for a specialized product remains

  unexplored because media exposure of the product

  to its few potential customers would be too


  (D) A new product is developed and marketers collect

  demographic data on potential consumers before

  developing a specific advertising campaign.

  (E) A product suitable for men age 60 and over is

  advertised in a magazine read by adults of all ages.

  6. The passage suggests that which of the following is true

  about the marketing of industrial products like those

  discussed in the third paragraph?

  (A) The market segment and program target are


  (B) Mass marketing is the only feasible way of

  advertising such products.

  (C) The marketing program cannot be directed

  specifically to the program target.

  (D) More customers would be needed to justify the

  expense of direct selling.

  (E) The program audience would necessarily be made

  up of potential customers, regardless of the

  marketing approach that was used.

  7. The passage supports which of the following statements

  about demographic characteristics and marketing?

  (A) Demographic research is of no use in determining

  how successful a product will be with a particular

  group of consumers.

  (B) A program audience is usually composed of people

  with similar demographic characteristics.

  (C) Psychological factors are more important than

  demographic factors in defining a market segments.

  (D) Consumers with similar demographic characteristics

  do not necessarily form a meaningful program


  (E) Collecting demographic data is the first step that

  marketers take in designing a marketing program.

  8. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the

  following is true for most consumer-goods markets?

  (A) The program audience is smaller than the market


  (B) The program audience and the market segment are

  usually identical.

  (C) The market segment and the program target are

  usually identical.

  (D) The program target is larger than the market


  (E) The program target and the program audience are

  not usually identical.