GMAT OG2017电子版下载

2022-05-20 07:47:17

  GMAT备考期间考生使用最多的复习资料就是GMAT OG,即GMAT考试官方指南。GMAT OG是唯一官方的权威复习书籍资料。为了方便考生备考中使用GMAT官方指南,

  GMAT OG包括:《GMAT考试官方指南》; 《GMAT定量推理官方指南》和《GMAT文本逻辑推理官方指南》,共收录了1500余道历届GMAT考试真题,包含220多道从未公布过的GMAT真题和答案解析。


  GMAT OG真题精选


  Recent interdisciplinary studies advance the argument that emotions, including those deemed personal or private is a social phenomenon, though one inseparable from bodily response.

  (A) private is a social phenomenon, though one inseparable

  (B) private, are social phenomena that are inseparable

  (C) private are a social phenomenon but are not those separable

  (D) private—are social phenomena but not separable

  (E) also as private emotions, are social phenomena not inseparable


  Much research has been devoted to investigating what motivates consumers to try new products. Previous consumer research suggests that both the price of a new product and the way it is advertised

  (5)affect consumers’ perceptions of the product’s performance risk (the possibility that the product will not function as consumers expect and/or will not provide the desired benefits). Some of this research has concluded that a relatively high price will reduce

  (10)a consumer’s perception of the performance risk associated with purchasing a particular product, while other studies have reported that price has little or no effect on perceived performance risk. These conflicting findings may simply be due to the nature

  (15)of product advertisements: a recent study indicates that the presentation of an advertised message has a marked effect on the relationship between price and perceived performance risk.Researchers have identified consumers’ perception

  (20)of the credibility of the source of an advertised message—i.e., the manufacturer—as another factor affecting perceived performance risk: one study found that the greater the source credibility, the lower the consumer’s perception of the risk of purchasing

  (25)an advertised new product. However, past research suggests that the relationship between source credibility and perceived performance risk may be more complex: source credibility may interact with price in a subtle way to affect consumers’ judgments

  (30)of the performance risk associated with an advertised product.

  Questions 415-418 refer to the passage.

  415. According to the passage, the studies referred to in line 12 reported which of the following about the effect of price on consumers’ perception of the performance risk associated with a new product?

  (A) Although most consumers regard price as an important factor, their perception of the performance risk associated with a new product is ultimately determined by the manufacturer’s reputation.

  (B) Price interacts with the presentation of an advertised message to affect perceived performance risk.

  (C) Price does not significantly affect consumers’ perception of the performance risk associated with a new product.

  (D) Consumers tend to regard price as more important than the manufacturer’s credibility when they are buying from that manufacturer for the first time.

  (E) Consumers are generally less concerned about a new product’s performance risk when that product is relatively expensive.

  416. The “past research” mentioned in line 25 suggests which of the following about perceived performance risk?

  (A) The more expensive a new product is, the more likely consumers may be to credit advertised claims about that product.

  (B) The more familiar consumers are with a particular manufacturer, the more willing they may be to assume some risk in the purchase of a new product being advertised by that manufacturer.

  (C) Consumers’ perception of the performance risk associated with a new product being advertised may be influenced by an interplay between the product’s price and the manufacturer’s credibility.

  (D) Consumers may be more likely to believe that a product will function as it is advertised to do when they have bought products from a particular manufacturer before.

  (E) The price of a particular advertised product may have less impact than the manufacturer’s credibility on consumers’ assessment of the performance risk associated with that product.

  417. The passage is primarily concerned with

  (A) challenging the implications of previous research into why consumers try new products

  (B) suggesting new marketing strategies for attracting consumers to new products.

  (C) reconciling two different views about the effect of price on consumers’ willingness to try new products

  (D) describing a new approach to researching why consumers try new products

  (E) discussing certain findings regarding why consumers try new products

  418. Which of the following, if true, would most tend to weaken the conclusions drawn from “some of this research” (see line 8)?

  (A) In a subsequent study, consumers who were asked to evaluate new products with relatively low prices had the same perception of the products’ performance risk as did consumers who were shown the same products priced more expensively.

  (B) In a subsequent study, the quality of the advertising for the products that consumers perceived as having a lower performance risk was relatively high, while the quality of the advertising for the products that consumers perceived as having a higher performance risk was relatively poor.

  (C) In a subsequent study, the products that consumers perceived as having a lower performance risk were priced higher than the highest priced products in the previous research.

  (D) None of the consumers involved in this research had ever before bought products from the manufacturers involved in the research.

  (E) Researchers found that the higher the source credibility for a product, the more consumers were willing to pay for it.

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