
2022-06-09 09:54:51


  Discovering Trend 1

  ?In the process, the production should endure 4 stages, namelycrushing, mixing, heating and grinding.

  ?The raw materials include limestone and clay.

  Basic Fact 1

  ?The left process is regarding to the production of cement.

  Discovering Trend 2

  ?The raw materials for concrete production is consisting of cement,water, sand and gravel.

  ?This four elements have to be mixed in certain proportion.

  Basic Fact 2

  ?The left process is regarding to the production of concrete.

  Diagram – Sample


  The first diagram demonstrates the processand the equipment used to make cement, and the second one illustrates howcement and other materials are mixed to manufacture concrete for buildingpurposes.

  Main Body 1

  The first step of producing cement is toput the two raw materials, limestone and clay into the crusher, beingtransformed into powder. And then, the mixture oflimestone and clay will be passed to the rotating heater and finally be grindedinto cement, which are usually packed inbags.

  Main Body 2

  Referring to the concrete production, cement is used as one of the rawmaterials which is consisting of another 3 elements, namely water, sand andgravel. The combination of these four elements has to be in a specificproportion: 15% of cement, 10% water, 25% sand and 50 % gravel. With thisproportion, these raw material are poured into a concrete mixer in which theyare rotated to manufacture the cement.


  As mentioned above, the concreteproduction takes fewer steps than the cement production; however, more materials have to be added into the manufacturing of concrete.Another obvious difference between the two process
