雅思写作万能理由之smoking 和 School Uniforms

2022-06-03 00:06:22

  我们今天给大家带来雅思大作文里会用到的 agree or disagree的论据,也就是常说的相关话题的万能理由。有了它们,我们写作时就不愁搜肠刮肚,无法自圆其说啦。接下来请看雅思内容:雅思写作万能理由之smoking 和 School Uniforms

  一. Smoking

  For:(means agree or advantages)

  1. it is pleasurable and relaxing

  2. it is one's right

  3. it is difficult to stop smoking

  6. it makes socializing easier

  7. it is an important source of tax revenue

  Against: (means disagree or disadvantages)

  1. it is harmful to one's health (e.g., heart disease, bronchial

  trouble, lung cancer )

  2. it is harmful to those nearby

  3. it is addictive (i.e., nicotine)

  二. School Uniforms

  1. they eliminate class differences

  2. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies

  3. they are popular with parents and administrators

  4. they are inexpensive

  5. they are attractive and neat

  6. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day

  7. many countries have them

  8. they are disliked by students (students like to primp)

  9. they create a military mentality

  10. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for different folks)

  11. they are ugly and childish

  以上为雅思内容:雅思写作万能理由之smoking 和 School Uniforms。通过今天的内容,不仅是关于吸烟和校规,我们知道怎么来论述我们的观点,还能举一反三地运用到其它的话题上去。