
2022-06-03 04:17:51



  a. 建筑 building

  b. 道路 road (street; railway)

  c. 功能性设施 car park; garden

  2. 地图要写什么?

  1). 地理状况

  a. 建筑 building

  (1). 从什么地方开始写(难点)


  (2). 什么地方有什么

  There is a library in the east of my school.

  A library is located/sited/situated in the……A library lies (lay) in the…(3). 位置关系-三个介词 in/on/to

  - 附近: close to; next to; nearby

  -对面: opposite

  b. 道路 road (street; railway)-river

  (1). 位置关系

  环绕: surround; 穿过: cross

  A road crosses the village from …

  (2). 介词

  沿着: along/alongside

  路的对面: across the road

  路的两边: on the road

  off the road

  (3). 功能

  -连接: link; connect

  -通向: lead to

  - provide access(n.) to

  -sb. access(v.) to somewhere through the road(4). 相交 cross; crossroadThe two roads cross in the east of the map.

  c. 功能性设施 car park; garden

  -parking space; accommodate car parking

  -walk; play; relax

  (2). 地理变迁

  a. 有-无

  原来的: original; former; old

  拆除: knock down; demolish; remove (被动)消失: disappear (主动)新修: build; construct; establish (被动)取代: A is replaced by B.

  -A is removed to give way to the construction of B.

  -A is converted to B.

  写作顺序: 从宏观到微观;遵循变化的逻辑


  1. 同一个地方的变化

  The maps illustrate changes in the layout/geographies of …2. 不同地方的比较The maps compare the layout / geographies of结尾段:

  1. 同一个地方的变化


  2. 不同地方的比较



