
2022-06-05 05:50:42

    上义词是对事物的概括性、抽象性说明;下义词是事物的具体表现形式。比如color是上义词,它的下义词是yellow / red / blue / green / purple / white ......在雅思写作中,寻找下义词是一种非常有效的思路拓展方法。接下来就是今天雅思写作内容:雅思写作结构词汇思路拓展之下义词


  Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to the society, while others say the purpose is to help individuals to achieve


  在谈论学习时,有一个下义词——学习目标。满足个人的“ambitions”和“be useful to the society”可以作为教育的目的共同存在。而为了实现这些目标,我们需要有“良好的学习态度”和“有力的学习能力”。如下图所示:

  TIPS  下义词万能表达模板句型

  1. 上义词 + such as / including + 下义词 1,2,3…

  eg: Factors(上义词)such as loving relationships(下义词1), good health(下义词2), the skills to earn a living(下义词3)and a peaceful environment(下义词4)

  all contribute to our happiness.

  2. 下义词1 + 下义词2 + 下义词3… + and上义词 like those / of these kinds

  eg: Loving relationships(下义词1), good health(下义词2), the skills to earn a living(下义词3), a peaceful environment(下义词4)and factors(上义词) like

  those / of these kinds all contribute to our happiness.

  3. 下义词1(强调内容) + and other kinds of 上义词 + such as + 下义词2 + 下义词3…

