
2022-06-11 08:27:10


  Is having too many choices a problem?


  There is value in being able to think quickly on your feet and to express authentically what’s on your mind without much forethought or filter. Reality television has capitalized on such human behavior for years and has brought much entertainment to viewers worldwide. But at significant turning points, when what people say hold so much weight that it can change the course of history, the speakers have spent a considerable amount of time revising and polishing their speeches prior to their delivery. Examples of how it is absolutely imperative to think before one speaks include the 2012United States Presidential Debates and Apple’s keynote addresses.

  In modern-day politics, the advent of televised speeches and debates has made careful planning ever more important for politicians, whose every move is scrutinized by the public. The first 2012 Presidential Debate alone between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was watched by 67 million Americans. In preparation for these debates, the candidates met with their aides and participated in a series of mock sessions. They invited someone from their own party as a sparring partner, someone who has spent months studying up on their opponent and can faithfully mimic the role. The candidates also formed debate prep teams who helped outline for them a briefing of their positions on policies versus those of their opponents. All of the arguments were carefully crafted and refined. Every candidate recognizes the significance of presidential debates as key moments during his campaign; opportunities to either shine or burn in front of the public eye. Even so, not every debate turns out to be successful, as was seen in Romney’s comment on “binders full of women” in response to a question about equal pay for women that quickly backfired and became an Internet meme. Nevertheless, a ton of thought went into the processof planning what the candidates will say prior to these debates.

  Many will remember the great excitement and anticipation that accompanied every keynote address given by Steve Jobs at the launch of Apple’s new products and services. In the commercial arena, Jobs’s speeches have become the standard by which companies captivated the imagination of the press and the user communities and drew attention to their products. In the biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson described how Jobs would spend hours during the night prior to the launches to revise and rehearse his speech.He would comb through every slide he was to present, test every prototype hewas to demonstrate, and perfect the cues and lighting changes. For Jobs, the keynote addresses have always been, from as early as that he gave of the AppleII 8-bit home computer back in the 1970s, a performance that could make orbreak the launch of a new product. Jobs himself was a perfectionist with areputation of being aggressive, to the degree of being belligerent, to his employees. He pushed his engineers to pursue the same level of perfection as himself and was known to berate them for not producing the desired specifications by the unrealistic deadlines that he had set. But at the keynote, where Jobs represented the face of the company, he was articulate, atease, and even charismatic. Jobs utilized the skills he has honed in his early days at start-up companies like NeXT and Pixar to bring to live a vision where various electronic gadgetries are inter connected and become one’s lifestyle. At the keynote speeches, he was meticulous with both the planning and the execution.

  As seen in both political and commercial examples, a lot of emphasis has been placed on perfecting a speech and thinking carefully about what to say. When the words that will be uttered affect the lives of thousands, even millions, it is without a doubt necessary for presenters to have carefully thought through what they will say. There is beauty in a perfectly crafted speech that makes it memorable for decades tocome. The great orators of the past and present will be remembered for not having just delivered great speeches, but also for the time they spent planning them.

