
2022-06-08 10:48:09


新版SAT作文是围绕阅读理解的,也就是说,在写文章之前,你先不能把阅读理解错了。这里小站给大家提个醒,CollegeBoard是会直接把原文的中心思想也就是argument提供给大家的!在原文最后的方框里,都会有一句加粗的final prompt。

到final prompt,只需要用自己的语言把final prompt重新组织成8重意思相同但表达略有不同的argument,不停套用在文章的各个地方中,那么你就很容易突破6分,拿到8分了。


1,He builds his argument for/by/through……that proves……


例:He builds his argument for the preservation of natural darkness by reminiscing for his readers a first-hand encounter that proves the “irreplaceable value of darkness.”

2,This tool/data/example is utilized to estabilish an emphasis on his primary point by hightlighting……

primary point,不就是中心思想吗,中心思想不是要不停强调吗,所以要emphasis on,还要hightlighting,颠来倒去这么多词,高级感就来了。

例:This tool is utilized to establish an emphasis on his primary point by highlighting it as a negative development relative to other changes in American life.

hightlighting it as后面就把作者想要强调的道理又说了一遍。

3,XXX's presenation of……adds signigicant logical weight to his argument by providing an example of……

此句式通常用于阐述分论点,强调例子的作用性,presentation of后面跟例子的概述,比如某某事件,或某个数据。

例:Gioias’presentation of a numerical statistic based on a major employer adds significant logical weight to his argument by providing an example of the effects of a deficit in experience with art and literature.

example of the effects of你以为是讲example,最后不又绕回到讲argument上了么。

4,XXX uses this to build his argument by evoking his audience to consider that……


例:Goodman uses this to build his argumet by evoking his audience to consider that they may not be getting all the true media and facts presented. 5,XXX hones in on examples that resonate with XXX……,in order to grab the reader's attention and connect his claims to

这句话恨不得全是重点,首先hones in on是锁定的意思,resonate with是与之产生共鸣,grab reader's attention吸引读者注意,connect联系,说了那么多,就是要抓住读者往作者的中心思想上面靠,claim to后面正是作者的argument。

例:He hones in on examples that resonate with many Americans, like the threat to their wages and job security posed by international counterparts, in order to grab the readers’ attention and connect his claims to their “day-to-day experiences”.

