
2022-06-15 04:56:11


  1. Architects define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can ------- the downward pull of gravity.

  A. mimic

  B. resist

  C. amplify

  D. dislodge

  E. demonstrate Correct Answer: B Explanation:

  Skill: Understanding the content, form, and function of sentences

  Explanation for Correct Answer B :

  Choice (B) is correct. "Resist" means to withstand the force or effect of. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Architects define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can resist the downward pull of gravity." The term "resist" logically completes this sentence because a building that cannot withstand gravitational force will collapse.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :

  Choice (A) is incorrect. "Mimic" means to imitate. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Architects define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can mimic the downward pull of gravity." An architect would not create a building using materials that imitate gravity because such a structure would fall down.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) is incorrect. "Amplify" means to increase. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Architects define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can amplify the downward pull of gravity." To remain standing, a building must resist gravity. It is therefore illogical to claim that an architect would design a building that increases the force of gravity.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :

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  Choice (D) is incorrect. "Dislodge" means to remove. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Architects define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can dislodge the downward pull of gravity." Gravity is a basic physical force that cannot be removed by the arrangement of materials.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :

  Choice (E) is incorrect. "Demonstrate" means to show. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Architects define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can demonstrate the downward pull of gravity." It is unlikely that architects would define a physical structure in this way since a building can only "demonstrate" the downward pull of gravity by falling down.



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