
2022-05-19 17:18:30


  改革后的新SAT在美国举行了首考,纽约考区这次考试写作部分选取的文章是E.J. Dionne Jr.2003年7月3日发表在The Washington call for national service的一篇文章,在文章中,作者呼吁了年轻人应该关注社会服务。

  文章全文748词,符合官方指南上面文章词数在650-750词之间的要求。在考试时,同学们打开写作试题册之后应该先去看第二个方框去找到作者整篇文章的中心观点,作者的观点一般位于第二个方框第二行persuade his/her audience that后面。接下来同学们就可以带着作者的观点去阅读文章,分析作者具体是通过什么论证手段及论证手法来支撑自己的观点的。在阅读文章的时候,同学们重点去寻找每个段落中可能存在的作者使用的分析性元素,并且在旁边的空白处做好标注,方便后面的写作(标注该元素具体是什么,以及简单标注其作用)。

  新SAT考试改革,整体考试更侧重考察学生高中阶段学习的课业知识,相较于老SAT考试而言,难度更接地气儿,对于绝大多数考生而言也更为公平。写作部分从以往的语法客观题+Essay作文的形式,在以往的语法点考核之外,更多加入文章行文规则的考察,也就是说,不仅仅要求考生语法知识过关,同样对文章的把握也需要十拿九稳。这其中就包括文章的development,organization,以及effective language use三大部分,考察文章行文模式,例子和观点的对应关系,段落结构层级是否清晰,书面语言是否简洁达意等。3月5日首考中纽约考区试卷中篇章类型的题目占到了大约一半以上的比重,其中Syntax出现的比较多,introductions(段落主题),transitions(过渡),conclusions(总结)类型的题目也作为重点考察,这些出题比例无疑也使篇章类题目成为备考要攻克的重难点。




  (1)Through the 1920s, waist overalls or jeans were primarily considered work pants. However, in the 1930s, due to the increasingly admired image of the rugged, jeans-wearing Western cowboy, jeans became associated with adventure and individualism. In the 1950s, young film stars such as James Dean and Marlon Brando, T-shirted and jeans-wearing renegades who listened to rock music, wore their blue jeans in the spirit of rebellion. In the 1960s and 1970s, hippies personalized their jeans-which had taken on the relaxed look of the wide “bell” bottom-with embroidery, quilted patches, and beads.

  (1)Given that all the following statements are true, which one, if added here, would most clearly and effectively introduce the main subject of this paragraph?

  A. The cultural message jeans convey has changed over the years.

  B. Many people believe the word denim is a derivative of serge de Nimes, the name of a French fabric made of silk and wool.

  C. In 1864, one East Coast store advertised that it carried ten varieties of denim.

  D. Jacob Davis, a tailor from Reno, Nevada, worked closely with Strauss in manufacturing riveted waist overalls.



  (2)As Ortiz well knows, the castaneros must time their nut gathering perfectly. The mature pods, each holding up to twenty-five Brazil nuts, fall during Peru’s rainy season. If the castaneros arrive too early, they must wait for the pods to fall. If they arrive too late, large rodents called agoutis will have buried the bods for future meals.

  (2)Given that all the choices are true, which one most effectively lead the reader to the subject of this paragraph?


  B. As he continues his work in Peru, Ortiz has several future goals in mind.

  C. After the castaneros gather their nuts, the nuts are picked up and taken to market.

  D. A sack of Brazil nuts weighs up to 140 pounds.


  因此,在后续我们复习篇章类考点的时候,要掌握段落结构的分析方法,熟悉表示各种逻辑关系的transitional words,在实战中才能够最快速度解出篇章题目。

