
2022-06-11 11:16:28

.林肯(Abraham Lincoln)美国政治家,第16任总统,首位共和党籍总统。相信大家在做SAT考试题的时候已经遇到过了,也许你的了解还是不够,现在来熟悉一下吧!人民大众赋予他的称号为“伟大的解放者”,在美国日后的自由和民主的环境下人民大众无法忘怀这位伟大的总统。林肯为解放广大黑人做出的努力更是被历史铭记。





  Lincoln, Abraham (1809–1865),sixteenth president of the United States. Abraham Lincoln is an ambiguous figure in history and literature, with much disagreement centered on his beliefs and actions regarding African Americans. Lincoln hated slavery but equivocated in public statements about racial equality. He considered his 1863 Emancipation Proclamation the most historic act of his presidency, but many critics interpret the order freeing Southern slaves during the Civil War as a military measure, not a humanitarian one. In a famous 1862 letter to the editor Horace Greeley, Lincoln explained that his “official duty” in the war was to “save the Union” but added that this stance signaled “no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free.” Near the war's end, Lincoln vetoed a congressional bill to codify emancipation and insisted instead that the permanent end of slavery be written into the Constitution as the Thirteenth Amendment.


  《青年林肯》 Young Mr. Lincoln 这是一部林肯的传记片,推荐大家有兴趣的可以看一下青年时代的林肯是什么样子的

  《林肯传》 Abraham Lincoln 也是林肯的传记片,是1930年的

  《林肯在伊利诺斯》 Abe Lincoln in Illinois 一部关于林肯的电影,1940年的
