
2022-06-09 15:57:11


  题目:The news media has become moreinfluential in people’s lives, some people think it is a negative development,to what extent do you agree or disagree ?

  Itis undeniable that media coverage plays a crucial role in disseminatinginformation and connecting the world to individuals. 主题句To be more specific, individualsare liable to make better-informed decisions when they gain access to a widerange of news covering aspects of their lives.支撑句For example, a college graduate student is in urgent need of latestnews about employment and career path. 举例Therefore, news related to these items is more helpful to them thanother social resources. 总结句


  1.对应题目,直接改写: 如discuss 题型

  Somepeople believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be usefulmembers for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achievepersonal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  On the one hand, it is understandable that educationalinstitutions should perform its function to prepare young adults to be usefuland contributing members of society.

  On the other hand, it is undeniable that education alsohas its target to help individuals realize their ambition.

  对题目进行延伸agreeor disagree 题型

  Thebest way for teach children to cooperation is team sports, to what extent doyou agree or disagree ?2015年12月真题

  It is undeniable that team sports perform anirreplaceable role in cultivating children’s cooperative spirit and enhancingtheir social skills.

  Nevertheless, what we should bear in mind is that not allchildren have a good sense of balance and have capacity to show theirexcellence in sports. Therefore, I recommend other effective ways to arousechildren’s awareness of collaboration, such as group presentation, chorus anddoing scientific experiments.

  Insome countries, women need to take maternity leave after giving birth to theirbabies. Do you think the advantages of maternity leave outweigh thedisadvantages?

  On one hand, thereis no denying that taking a maternity leave will result in many impediments inwomen’ s career prospect.

  On the other hand, althoughthere are many negative influence caused by maternity leave we can not turn ablind eye on its positive impact.

  解释类题型: 重述题目回答问题

  2016-11-11题目:Children find it difficult to concentrateon or pay attention to school. what are the reasons, how can we solve thisproblem?

  The rooted cause for this thorny issue is related toseveral factors.

  It is imperative to take feasible measures to tackle thisproblem.


  Onthe one hand, on the other hand

  Itis understandable/undeniable that…

  Thereis no denying that…

  Althoughthe benefits of sth are boundless, the negative influence should not beignored.

  Itis imperative to do sth

  Fora variety of reasons, …

  Admittedly,there are various benefitsif …

  As peoplelive longer, several related problems tend to be anticipated.

  Thereare several actions that government and local council can take to tackle thisissue.


  2016-11-15题目:Many people regard the increasingbusiness and cultural contacts between countries as a positive development.Others, however, feel that these are leading to a loss of national identities.Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


  On one hand, the internationalcommunication can bring a wide range of benefits to nations.


  On one hand, the internationalcommunication can bring a wide range of benefits to nationsin terms of economicdevelopmentand improvement of people’sliving standard.更加准确 清晰

  不写主题句 :

  Providing humanitarian aid to some underdeveloped communities likeAfrican countries , where the level of economy and technology are sluggish ,can help local people shake off the poverty. Since the fundamental facilitiesincluding transport systems, water and electricity supply networks, schools aswell as hospitals have been built, citizens can live a high quality life andtheir living standards have also been improved. For example, localentrepreneurs are more likely to go outside to discover business opportunities,while children can acquire knowledge at school and find a decent employment inthe future.多余meanwhile, Donors countries are responsible to donate offer financialassistance to needy countries in search of seeking the common development.Because widening gap between rich and poor put a threat to social stability.People from poor area are willing to enter the workforce and live a peacefuland happy life if local economy prospers, instead of committing to crime oreven against their government, leading numerous people lose their home. Andrefuges who enter the developed countries may put a huge burden to both statesand taxpayers. In this sense, international aid is necessary, as this practicecan cope with these problems to some extent.


  International assistance is of great benefit toboth donor countries and recipient countries. To be more specific, Providing humanitarianaid to some underdeveloped communitieslike African countries , where the level of economy and technology aresluggish , can help local people shake off the poverty. Since the fundamentalfacilities including transport systems, water and electricity supply networks,schools as well as hospitals have been built, citizens can live a high qualitylife and their living standards have also been improved. For example, local entrepreneurs are more likely to gooutside to discover business opportunities, while children can acquireknowledge at school and find a decent employment in the future.多余meanwhile, Donors countries are responsibleto donate offer financial assistance to needy countries in search of seekingthe common development. Because widening gap between rich and poor put a threatto social stability. People from poor area are willing to enter the workforceand live a peaceful and happy life if local economy prospers, instead ofcommitting to crime or even against their government,leading numerous people lose their home. And refuges who enter thedeveloped countries may put a huge burden to both states and taxpayers. In thissense, international aid is necessary, as this practice can cope with theseproblems to some extent.

