
2022-05-30 11:21:16



  Assignment: Are simple joys as valuable as complex experiences?



  A: 第一种观点认为simple joys更具有价值,我们在课堂上讲过此类题型,加之本次作文的prompt中有提示,所以可以从自然和友谊两方面来叙述;自然方面,我们在课堂上讲过“瓦尔登湖”,今天有部分学生反应使用了该例,下面是一个例子段:

  One of the most often overlooked and under-appreciated aspects of life is indeed the beauty that nature has to offer. The elation one feels from waking up to witness a crisp spring morning sunrise is something that has the potential to inspire awe and brings about a profound emotional impact on any individual. Henry Thoreau’s “Walden” is a piece that has a particular resonance in this respect. Although intended to be a pragmatist, Thoreau never hesitates to portray the grand spectacles and minute subtleties of nature with equal vibrancy and vividness, thus bringing nature’s bountiful treasures to the forefront of our imagination. In a society so urbanized and mechanical as our own, we would be forgiven to sometimes ignore the beauty that exists in the small patch of mother earth just beyond our backyard. Sometimes, taking a time-out once in a while to appreciate our nuances and subtle details of surroundings can yet prove to be invaluable experiences in anyone’s life.

  其次可以通过名人事例或自己的事例论证友谊方面带来的simple joys更具有价值。这一种观点只要言之有理即可,但文章内部需要衔接自然。

  B: 第二种思路便是认为纷杂的经历比简单的快乐更具价值,这便又回到我们课堂上的常态话题,即有些珍贵的品质是不能通过simple joys去获得的,更多的情况之下,人们还是需要通过complex或者different experience才会学习到更多,或者正是由于这些experiences才锻炼了我们的各种优良品格,最有使我们更有价值,这是大多数学生比较容易上手的一种思路。

  这类题目在本质上并不陌生,比如2012年11月份的题目:Is it better to aim for small accomplishments instead of great achievements?



  Most people must have witnessed all kinds of vicissitudes along our growth path, among which the small and simple happiness as well as complex experiences can make our life more colorful and exciting. Those simple and small happy feelings are just like little waves dotting our life, paving our way towards a more valued life filled with all these small satisfactions. It is my belief that it is all those complex experiences that help cultivate different qualities and characters, which are more valuable in our long life than those evanescent happy moments, for the simple joys and happiness may limit our potential development. The stories of Elon Musk and James Dyson can demonstrate my point of view.

  Although complex experiences and great achievements are always comprised of many small satisfactions and happiness, which are the indispensible part of our life, it is those sound characters and sparking qualities brought by complex experiences that matter, for it can fully embody the value of a human. One of the good paragons in this aspect can be illustrated by Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is a man of great vision, determination, and creativity. Growing up, he was always a bright spark among his peers, creating his own video game – Blaster - at the mere age of 10 and founded his own company ten years afterward, and thereafter conceived the concept that would become PayPal. But Musk’s boundless ambition and small joys brought by the former seemingly great achievements didn’t stop there. Since he was a child, he has remained committed and determined to reach the stars, and that one day he would pioneer his own spacefaring company; and thus, SpaceX was born. Musk’s ventures faced continuous ridicules and criticisms, and in the fateful year of 2008, his company faced terrible economic downturn as experienced by numerous other companies, including some industrial giants. At this dire moment, Elon Musk was faced with two contrary opinions, either to continue pursuing his ambitions at the cost of investing all his own funds into the company, or to shut down. Musk’s final opinion was clear that he would stop at nothing to continue his childhood dreams. All these complex experiences and tenacity would ultimately relieve his mired company, which brings Musk out of adversity. Be it SpaceX or Tesla, Elon Musk’s vision and sound quality cultured in past experiences have transformed his endeavors into world-class establishments attracting the attention of NASA and Mercedes-Benz. Had it not been his firm and concrete commitment and opinion about his own future cultivated in all these complex experiences, we could not have witnessed the fruits of his great endeavors.

  At the same time, all those great men are fully aware that those simple and small joys may easily lead to self-satisfaction, which would definitely thwart their further potential developments in other aspects. This point can well be demonstrated by James Dyson, an inventor and the president of Dyson Company, who harbors great commitment and insight during his life-long career. In 1980s, Hoover Vacuum once dominated the appliances market in Europe and America; even Dyson used a Hoover. Despite the Hoover’s popularity, Dyson found that it was not efficient to use the Hoover Vacuum, as the holes were often clogged by dirt. Dyson had a brainwave. He envisioned a totally new interior composition for the common vacuum cleaner. Dyson’s vision was plagued by numerous failures and thorny experiences: he drained all of his funds, borrowed money, and even took loans in a desperate effort to continue his experiments; what’s worse, his wife failed to understand his motives, and a lot of people surrounding him even called him a psycho. For many sleepless nights, Dyson was troubled with two voices in his head: to either give up this seemingly impossible experiment or to continue to work towards his vision. With his relentless efforts and unfaltering commitment, he ultimately succeeded after so many complex experiences and troubles, introducing the bag-less vacuum cleaner, which went on to dominate the vacuum market. It is true that we are sure to feel depressed and disappointed when facing and coping with all these “seemingly complex situations” on the path of our development, but what brought and gained from these tough experiences are much more valuable than the simple joys. Therefore, it is no other than Dyson’s firm conviction and perseverance that are tempered and formed in his countless failures and complex experience that created his vacuum cleaner empire.

  All in all, it is understandable that small joys are good in some aspects, but it is better and more valuable to hone and grit one’s quality and character though those complex and tough experiences, which are doomed to be met in our life. It is all these characters and quality that help us grow, mature and succeed, thus making our life more valuable and worthy.