
2022-05-26 17:45:29

  2017年7月20日雅思写作真题答案解析!本场雅思写作小作文考题为柱图 线图 饼图混合题,大作文是关于responsible tourists的话题描述。下面一起来看本文为大家带来的2017年7月20日雅思写作真题答案解析内容。


  柱图 线图 饼图混合题

  题目: The charts and the pie show the number of students at university in a paticular European country,the government's annual spending on each student between 1984 and 2009,and the percentages of student's econmic family background.


  分别是欧洲国家学生数量(bar chart),平均花费在每个大学生(线图),富裕、中等、贫穷家庭所占比例(饼图)


  In recent years, “responsible tourists” have paid attention to preserving both culture and environment of the places they visit. However, some people say that it is impossible to be a “responsible tourist”. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  很多Responsible tourists pay attention to preserving the environment and culture of place they visit. 一些人认为不可能做responsible tourists. 你是否同意。