
2022-05-28 12:28:05
    这是一个教育题材的经典话题。要做到有说服力并表达丰富,就得先把思路打开。具体地说眼前的题目,一个人才,首先要有一定智商,往往表现为学习成绩;更重要的是情商,人际技巧与坚持乐观都是情商的体现;最后还可上升到品德,价值观,人格魅力。要提醒大家的是,作文的艺术就在于自圆其说,所以一定要挑自己熟悉的写!可以先用的specific这一利器,想想看什么样的职业明显是更需要整合资源与人互动的?  题目:“For success in a future job, the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying hard in school”  正文:Different jobs have different requirements. Some professions like medical research and art performance demand more technical know-how than social skills, so I disagree with the opinion that the capability to socialize outweighs studying diligently in school.  First of all, medical researchers are expected to conduct experiments skillfully rather than relate well to people . From a beginner to a medical expert, one has a long way to go. On average it would take 5 years to finish medical bachelor degree for a Chinese student and subsequently another 3 years of master degree in research. The success in later years of research in medicine require the overall time and energy consumed during the accumulation of know-how such as molecular biology, organic chemistry and clinical pharmacology.  Moreover, if one wishes to be an eminent artist, the success rests with the prowess in art not in dealing with people. Lang lang, an outstanding pianist of the world, had kept on practicing each note as well as the movement of the great pianist, like Schuman, Beethoven, since he was determined to be a professional artist in school. Picasso does not have to be an expert in communicating with different people because he is not supposed to be talk show host nor salesperson. All he needs to do is studying hard in painting school in Paris and equip with knowledge to master brush, color and canvass.  Moreover, if one wishes to be an eminent artist, the success rests with the prowess in art not in dealing with people. Lang lang, an outstanding pianist of the world, had kept on practicing each note as well as the movement of the great pianist, like Schuman, Beethoven, since he was determined to be a professional artist in school. Picasso does not have to be an expert in communicating with different people because he is not supposed to be talk show host nor salesperson. All he needs to do is studying hard in painting school in Paris and equip with knowledge to master brush, color and canvass.  To sum up, I hold that studying hard is more important than relating with people because success in medical research and art performance lies in knowledge. In addition, studying hard helps students to become a qualified and diligent person who is favored for promotion by the superordinates.  
