
2022-06-08 16:38:00



  The table descfilbes the changes of people who went for intemational travel in1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005. (millior)



  word count:

  The table compares changes in the number of internationaltrave11ers in different regions in the years 1990, 1995, 2000 and2005.

  It is clear that the tota1 number ofinternationa1 trave11ers increased over the15-year period. However, there is difference in these areas.

  According to the statistics, Europeans like trave11ing aboard the most, with the highest figure in each year and reached a peak of around 400 mi11ion in the year 2005. By contrast, only15.8 mi11ion people in Middle Ea1st would like to go abroad. Africa, Asia and the pacific, and Middle East experienced a similar increasing trend of international trave1 population from 1990 to 2005.

  In America, people showed a great wi11ingness to trave1 aboard between 1990 and 1995, from80.5 to 112.5 mi11ion. Then, the data stayed constant at 115 mi11ion more or less. Likewise, Europe also experienced an evident increase from 1990 to1995, and afterwards, the growth rate of overseas trave1 population became s1ow, remaining around 390 mi11ion in 1995 and reaching 400 mi11ion in 2005.



  今天刚好是植树节, BC 也是很合时宜来这次这么个题目,是不是考官也看了柴静的穹顶之下。

  文章分段: 4段


  主体段第一段: 绿色植物光合作用不但能吸收二氧化碳而且能释放氧气, 其次更多的绿色植物能减少人们患呼吸类的疾病

  主体段第二段: 房屋的功能是保证人们的居住, 但是一些房地产开发商为了利益过度开发土地, 这样只会浪费有限而又珍贵的土地资源, 其次我们的房地产产业和市场己经趋于饱和了, 年轻人也无力购买如此高价的房子.


  word count: 250

  With the rapid urbanization of our society, tree seems more valuable than ever before. A1t the same time, a great number ofpeople support more greenery in open areas intowns and cities rather than more housing buildings. I am ofthe opinion that this action has more benefits than drawbacks.

  Trees are an important part of the urban environment and a city with easy access to green spaces is more livable and attractive for most people. First of a11, as we a11 know, green plants can carry out photosynthesis, which not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also release oxygen. Therefore,the air qualityin cities will be improved greatly.Secondly, people living in cities with plenty of trees are less likely to suffer health problems caused by smog and fumes. This is extremely important because todaytrave11ing by car has become a major means of trave1 in most cities.

  Housing guarantees people's basic need of accommodation. Today, many rea1 estate developers overdevelop the open areas with the purpose of gaining huge profit. This wi11 occupy the valuable andlimitedland resources. In addition. considering our almost saturatedreal estate industry and market, there is no more need to build morehousing. In fact, many employers cannot afford to purchase a flat because of the high housing price. Therefore, compared to housing building, trees seems more significant to our environment.

  To sum up, I believe that planting more trees in open areas will bring far more gains than losses.
