
2022-05-29 01:06:14



  A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究显示,7岁到11岁的年轻人花费太多时间看电视,玩游戏,这对于孩子,家庭和社会的影响何在?应该如何解决?




  2. 一些精彩的电视节目可以扮演教育者的角色,比如百家讲坛,艺术人生这样的节目就可以开拓一个人的视野和启迪一个人的智慧,加深人对于自我和生活的洞察。

  3. 玩电脑游戏有利于开发智力和培养创造力。


  1. 在学校,孩子的主要任务是学习知识,考虑到孩子们的自律性较差,允许孩子们看电视易使他们分散精力,耽误学习。

  2. 过度沉迷电视游戏对于健康不利,具体而言,人会视力下降,懒惰久坐,不愿意从事户外运动,因而导致肥胖。形成对比的是,户外运动是更好的放松身心的方式,可以提高学习效率。

  3. 孩子们看电视以及玩游戏,减少了和父母的沟通,会导致家庭关系疏远。有时候,父母和子女之间会为选择喜欢的电视节目发生争执,更加增加家庭矛盾。

  4. 有益的电视节目可以使孩子受益,但是,少儿不宜的电视节目或者游戏内容是精神鸦片的话,暴力、色情、血腥的信息,对于成长中的年轻人而言,毒害心灵,误导人生观,诱发暴力冲动,导致校园欺凌或者少年犯罪的上升,危害社会。


  1. ,加强传媒审查,使青少年远离精神垃圾的毒害。

  2. 父母限制孩子们玩电视游戏的时间,帮助孩子们培养更加有意义的娱乐方式,比如读书,锻炼身体,学习一种乐器。同时,增强青少年自制能力。

  3. 父母为孩子们创造更加快乐的源泉,例如家庭聚餐,家庭游戏,家庭旅行等。


  1. A lot of parents are concerned by the fact that their children are spending too much time playing computer games or watching television. 很多的父母因为子女花大量的时间玩电脑游戏或者看电视而忧心忡忡。

  2. Many teenagers ranging from 7 to 11 always take watching TV or playing on-line games as the only source of their entertainment 很多孩子把电视有游戏当成是娱乐的唯一源泉。

  3. Playing computer games help develop one’s intelligence and train one’s reaction玩电脑游戏有利于开发智力和锻炼反应能力。

  4. idiot box n 电视机 (贬义词汇)

  5. couch-potato = heavy TV viewers = TV addicts n 电视迷(三剑客)

  6. be addicted to = indulge in = abandon oneself to sth v 沉迷于 ……

  7. As a result of the addition to electronic games, young students often ignore the outside world. 因为沉溺于电子游戏,青少年学生经常对外面的世界视而不见。

  8. …… is physically detrimental …… v 有害健康(健康角度)

  9. …… are prone to diminish physical activities v …… 减少了体育运动

  10. impair the viewers’ eyesight v 有害视力(健康角度)

  点评:impair v 伤害(尤其指的是器官的受损)

  11. make one get into the habit of sedentary lifestyle and laziness v使人养成懒惰和久坐的习惯

  12. contribute to obesity v 导致肥胖

  13. multiply the likelihood of obesity v 增加了肥胖的可能(健康角度)

  14. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的内容 (少年犯罪外因)

  15. poison one’s pure mind = corrupt one’s innocent mind v 毒害纯净的心灵

  16. arouse one’s violent and sadistic impulse v诱发暴力冲动

  17. mislead one’s life outlook = misguide one’s life attitude v 误导人生观

  18. poison one’s innocent mind, arouse one’s violent impulse and misguide one’s life outlook. v 毒害纯净的心灵,诱发暴力冲动,误导人生观(经典三剑客)

  19. distance the family relationship = alienate the family relationship v疏远家庭关系

  20. affect the communication among family members negatively 对于家庭成员之间的交流有不良的影响

  21. The academic study will be delayed 耽误学习(推荐背诵,反对除了学习外的一起活动)

  22. strengthen the censorship of mass media v 加强传媒审查(政府作为)

  23. organize family activities such as family trip or family meal v 组织家庭活动例如家庭聚餐家庭旅行。

  24. strengthen the family tie v加强家庭联系

  25. The young should be encouraged to foster healthier approach of entertainment 鼓励孩子们培养健康的娱乐方式。#p#副标题#e#


  Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人认为计算机和互联网对于孩子的教育比去学校有效,有认为老师和学校对于孩子的高效学习更加重要,讨论两种观点?(2009年4月25日)



  1. 在线学习,适应特殊群体,例如残疾学习者,忙碌企业家以及生病的学生,因为远程教育不仅仅克服了地域的障碍,也节省了往返的麻烦。

  2. 远程教育提高了学习灵活性,尤其适合喜欢按照自己的节奏安排学习的学生。

  3. 在线教育费用较低。网络资源丰富,音频视频文件根据学生需求选择,同时,教学资源可反复学习。


  1. 课堂教育营造良好的学习氛围,老师的监督和同龄人的压力可以帮助没有自律性的学生专注于学习。相反,网络教育的使人懈怠,失去学习的兴趣和耐心。

  2. 课堂教育中积极的课堂互动,小组讨论,面对面的交流可以激发学习热情,提高学习效率。(例证展开)

  3. 老师不仅仅是传授知识,还能关注学生的道德教育和性格培养,这些是网络教育无法实现的。(细节展开)



  1. teachers = instructors = educators n老师

  2. professionally well-trained adj专业上训练有素的

  3. highly qualified adj 合格的

  4. knowledgeable = learned adj博学的

  5. traditional classroom teaching = conventional education = conventional teaching n传统课堂教育

  6. distance learning n远程学习

  7. distance education = tele-education n远程教育

  8. on-line education n在线教育

  9. impart knowledge into one’s mind v教授知识

  10. disseminate knowledge = pass on knowledge = convey knowledge v 传播知识


  1. Some top educational institutions have chosen to deliver an internet-based program and thus geographical barriers have been lifted. 一些名校提供网络教育,因此学习不再受地域的限制。

  2. On-line education brings huge convenience to those who are eager to update knowledge but are hard-pressed for time, therefore, it is more attractive to busy modern people. 在线教育给时间有限的学习者提供了便利,因此,对于繁忙的学习者极有吸引力。

  点评:bring huge convenience to sb

  点评:update knowledge v充电 (在这个短语前也加汉字)

  3. Having the benefits of obtaining a higher qualification without going to the university campus is attractive to many students, especially those sick or disabled learners. 对于很多人而言,尤其残疾学习者或者生病的学生,不必亲临学校即可获得学位极有吸引力。

  4. Conventional teaching usually means greater cost, while on-line educational programs are affordable, flexible and time-saving. 传统教育费用较高,相反,在线教育价格低廉,灵活省时。

  5. Whether at home or at work, on-line learners can endeavor to achieve their academic qualifications without causing too much disruption to their career or family lives. 无论在家或者职场,在不干扰生活和事业的前提下,远程教育者可以通过努力获得学历。

  6. Apart from affordable, flexible classes and greater convenience, self-learners also have access to the on-line learning resources of many of the world’s top educational institutions. 除了学费低廉,时间灵活,极度方便,自学者可以获得世界名校的优质在线资源。

  7. A number of prestigious universities offer a range of online programs that are highly respected 许多顶尖名校提供多种在线学习项目,而这些网络课程得到大众认同。

  8. Tele-education perfectly fits for adult learners who need to combine their studies with a working life. 很多人需要平衡学业和家庭,因此,远程教育适合他们。

  9. A humorous and learned teacher could impart knowledge into the learners’ minds more vividly and efficiently, which is the most obvious merit of traditional classroom education. 老师幽默博学,传播知识生动高效,这是传统教育最明显的利好。

  10. It is easy for students to resolve their academic problems and dispel their worries by means of resorting to teachers for help or having face-to-face communication. 通过面对面交流以及及时求助于老师,学习者很容易解决学业烦恼。

  11. It is those highly qualified teachers that stimulate the students’ study motivation and assist them fostering sensible learning habit and efficient self-study method. 优秀教师激发人的学习动力,培养他们理性的学习习惯以及高效的学习方法。

  点评:it is …… that …… 强调句

  12. It must be stressed out that consolation and encouragement from the teachers could positively help the students nurture optimistic life outlook, for they have a pool of life experience that could share with their students. 老师的鼓励安慰帮助学习者培养乐观人生观,因为老师可以分享人生经验。

  点评:consolation n安慰

  13. Compared with the tele-education, professionally well-trained teachers know better about the common sense of education, they excel in the specialized knowledge and could summarize the core of knowledge. 对比网络教育,优秀教师了解教育常识,精通专业知识,总结学科精华。

  14. Traditional classroom education not only serves the academic purpose, but also involves moral instructions and the students’ character-training. 传统教育不仅仅是传播知识,还关注学生的道德教育和性格培养。

  15. It is as clear as crystal that those only teachers could enable the students to receive the custom-tailored education. 只有老师才能帮助学生获得因材施教的教育。

  16. The competitive atmosphere and the pressure from the peers could help those who are poor at self-discipline to apply themselves to academic study. 竞争的氛围,来之同龄人的压力可以帮助没有自律性的学习者专注于学习。

  点评:focus on learning = concentrate on study = apply oneself to academic study v专注于学习

  17. The group discussion and the efficient class interaction could stimulate the learners’ study motivation. 小组讨论和课堂互动激发人的学习动力。

  18. Home learners tend to be socially inadequate and lack the necessary interpersonal skills because they are unable to cultivate teamwork spirit, cooperation and competitive consciousness. 网络学习者会变得社交方面力不从心,缺乏必要的人际交往技能,因为他们不能培养团队精神,合作竞争意识。

  19. The merits of traditional classroom education prevail over the convenience of the on-line education. 传统教育的利好超越了在线教育的便利。

  20. Tele-education is an effective supplementary tool to the conventional teaching. 远程教育是传统教育的有效的辅助工具。#p#副标题#e#


  Some people think that museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为博物馆不重要,我们可以在网络上获得信息(参观博物馆),是否认同?



  1. 对于短时内没有时间,没有钱去博物馆和美术馆的人来说,可以先在电脑上一饱眼福,间接的欣赏也会很有乐趣的。

  2. 对于可以去亲自参观的人来说,可以用计算机去收集一些博物以及美术馆的信息,去目的地的时候,印象更加深刻。


  1. 亲自游览艺术馆美术馆更值得推荐,亲自参观,印象更加真实,深刻。人们可以在艺术馆和美术馆大饱眼福,欣赏各种各样的精致的展品以及精美的艺术品。相反,无论网上的图片有多精彩以及丰富,他们仅仅是图片。

  2. 艺术馆和美术馆有其不可替代性,因为历史文物和艺术产品有了存储的地方,有研究的价值。

  3. 很多的父母愿意带着孩子去美术馆,对于孩子们来说,欣赏真实的艺术品可以增长历史知识,启迪智慧,陶冶情操。对于艺术家来说,参观博物馆可以培养艺术美感以及激发创造力。


  1. museums and art galleries n博物馆和美术馆

  2. historic objects = historical relic n文物

  3. works of art = artwork n艺术品,美术品

  4. exhibits = item on display n展品

  5. museum piece n珍藏品

  6. antiques = curios n古董

  7. on the spot = on site n在现场

  8. in person adv 亲自地

  9. by using a computer = via the Internet v 通过互联网

  10. have limited disposable income v可支配收入有限

  11. can appreciate various works of art or exhibits to explore the wonder, beauty and eye-dazzling workmanship 欣赏艺术品和展品,探究艺术的精湛,美丽。

  12. appreciate = feast one’s eyes on v 大饱眼福

  13. cherish the dreams of …… = have the dreams of v 怀有…… 的梦想

  14. enlighten children’s wisdom and cultivate children’s artistic taste 启迪孩子的智慧,培养孩子的艺术美感。

  15. There are no better places than museums and art galleries for those museum piece, historic objects, and antiques to be collected, kept intact and studied. 有了艺术馆和美术馆,历史文物,古董可以被收集,保存,研究。