
2022-06-08 03:24:03

  Task 1 静态柱图

  The chart compares the resources used tomake 1,000 disposable cups in different materials: polystyrene and paper.


  Sample answer

  The bar chart shows the amount of differentelements required for making 1,000 polystyrene and paper cups.

  The production of 1,000 polystyrene cups needs 8kg of petroleum and 13 kg of other chemicals. These two kinds of elements areheated with great quantities of steam which is ten times as much as otherchemicals. This process is rather energy-saving, only costing 0.6 m3 of waterand 6 kilowatts of electricity.

  However, in the process of making paper cups, theconsumption of water and electricity is more than ten times that in polystyrenecups. It also requires more petroleum, with 18 kg being added. It is worthmentioning that the production of paper cups doesn’t need much other chemicalsand steam. The amount of other chemicals is less than two thirds of that inpolystyrene cups.

  Overall, the production of polystyrene cups isenvironmentally friendly, because it costs less energy and doesn’t need anywood, while 1,000 paper cups almost needs 220 kg of wood.

  Task 2 word count: 251

  Traditionally, toddlers are raised by theirrelatives such as grandparents in most countries. However, daycare centres havegained a growing popularity among working parents in recent years. From mypoint of view, attending a childcare centre has more benefits.

  One obvious argument in favor of daycare centres is that it provideschildren with the professional childhood education. This is because a gooddaycare centre is normally equipped with well-trained staff who can impartdifferent skills, such as singing, dancing, painting and storytelling, tochildren through a variety of activities during the day. In addition to thewell-organised, structured projects, toddlers are provided with moreopportunities to socialize with other peers, which helps them gain confidenceand self-consicousness. However, these opportunities are rare to achieve if theyare watched over by grandparents.

  Opponents feel that a relative care is as effective as children centre.The reason for this is that taking care of a child is never an easy task, aschildren need constant love and attention. In fact, due to the limited numberof caregivers, children are less likely to get the one-on-one care. Bycontrast, relatives, grandparents in particular, have sufficient time to takecare of their beloved grandchildren, which also contributes to the family bond.

  I personally believe that no child can become an active and valuablemember of any society without intercommunicating with other peers. Therefore,although there are conniving arguments for a relative care, it is better tosend them into daycare centers in the childhood period.
