
2022-05-23 00:18:53
考试日期 2010.03.20
书信种类 抱怨信
书信instruction You have just finished a trip booked from an travel agency, but you are not satisfied with it. Write a letter to the travel agent. In your letter, you should say: 1). why you felt so unhappy; 2). what happened; 3). make some recommendations about What the travel agent should do about it.
话题类别 教育社会类
考题文字 Some people who failed at school can be highly successful in their adult life. Discuss why does this happen? And what are the main factors to get a successful life?
本次写作考试点评:小作文贴近生活,完成150字难度系数不高,学生要学会适当的imagination的能力。大作文关注贴近教育的社会类问题,对于考G类的考生应该不会陌生。但此次考题却与之前的考题稍有不同。考生平时一定要加强brainstorming 的能力以及文章各种结构的安排。
