
2022-05-26 06:09:37




  Although advertising has existed for thousandsof years and is certainly not a recent invention, it is only in our modern society that the greatinfluence and importance of widespread advertising is full play. However, in my opinion, manyadvertisements are harmful to young people’s mental development and, therefore, should bebanned in the mass media.

  To begin with, various factors have given rise to the thriving of advertising industry, themost significant one being the proliferation of new products, services and technologies. In orderto give their new inventions the utmost publicity, many businesses choose to promote themby broadcasting attractive advertisements through mass media, such as television, radio andinternet. In addition, the increasingly fierce competition in the commercial world hascompelled a lot of companies to resort to exaggerated and even deceitful advertisements togain an edge over their business rivals.

  As many social critics have pointed out, the current trend in advertising exerts acorrupting influence on young people’s minds because there are always a lot of unwholesomeand indecent contents in modern advertisements. For example, products such as wines, lingerieand cosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as the main attraction of theiradvertisements. What is even worse, a subculture of sexual suggestiveness andpermissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertising industry. Young people, especiallythose adolescents, are often lured away from their studies and indulge themselves in eroticfantasies

  Therefore, the authorities should take serious steps to counteract the negative effects ofimmoral advertising. One effective approach is to establish and impose a strict censorshipon all mass media, expunging any sexual explicit and implicit pictures and words from theadvertisements they tend to show. Also, rules and regulations should be laid down to banadvertisements from certain public places, discouraging its rampant omnipresence andcreating a cleaner and healthier social environment. Furthermore, all local governments canincrease the costs of all kinds of advertisements to be shown or published through massmedia, thus reducing their currently enormous quantities.

  In summary, the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effects onthe youth of today must be curbed, otherwise public morality and traditional cultures andvalues and even the future of the world will be caught in a precarious situation.

  Although advertising has existed for thousands of years and is certainly not a recentinvention, it is only in our modern society that the great influence and importance ofwidespread advertising is full play. However, in my opinion, many advertisements are harmfulto young people’s mental development and, therefore, should be banned in the mass media.

  To begin with, various factors have given rise to the thriving of advertising industry, themost significant one being the proliferation of new products, services and technologies. In orderto give their new inventions the utmost publicity, many businesses choose to promote themby broadcasting attractive advertisements through mass media, such as television, radio andinternet. In addition, the increasingly fierce competition in the commercial world hascompelled a lot of companies to resort to exaggerated and even deceitful advertisements togain an edge over their business rivals.

  As many social critics have pointed out, the current trend in advertising exerts acorrupting influence on young people’s minds because there are always a lot of unwholesomeand indecent contents in modern advertisements. For example, products such as wines, lingerieand cosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as the main attraction of theiradvertisements. What is even worse, a subculture of sexual suggestiveness andpermissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertising industry. Young people, especiallythose adolescents, are often lured away from their studies and indulge themselves in eroticfantasies

  Therefore, the authorities should take serious steps to counteract the negative effects ofimmoral advertising. One effective approach is to establish and impose a strict censorshipon all mass media, expunging any sexual explicit and implicit pictures and words from theadvertisements they tend to show. Also, rules and regulations should be laid down to banadvertisements from certain public places, discouraging its rampant omnipresence andcreating a cleaner and healthier social environment. Furthermore, all local governments canincrease the costs of all kinds of advertisements to be shown or published through massmedia, thus reducing their currently enormous quantities.

  In summary, the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effects onthe youth of today must be curbed, otherwise public morality and traditional cultures andvalues and even the future of the world will be caught in a precarious situation.


