
2022-05-23 06:43:54



  Universities and colleges are now offeringqualifications through distance learning from theInternet rather than teachers in the classroom.

  Do you think the advantages of this developmentoverweight the disadavantages?


  Information technology is playing an increasingly important role in our lives, especially ineducation. Although many people are able to acquire a higher academic qualification byattending a virtual college on the Internet, some people doubt the effectiveness of on-linelearning and prefer the traditional way of education.

  Compared to distance learning, physically attending a school has some intrinsic advantages forthe students' overall development.Also, teachers can adjust their teaching stylesand their instructions to best suit the characteristics of their students. In addition toacademic pursuits, students' emotional and social development can be significantly improvedin school due to students' participation in extra-curricular activities and events. Theemotional connection that often helps to generate inspiration, creativity and emotionalwellbeing is vital for young students. In essence the experience in the non-virtualworld cannot be substituted by simply receiving lectures electronically and submitting essays.

  Admittedly distance learning programs offer a valuable option for people with special needs,such as the disabled, full time workers or those who have families to take care of and are notable to attend class at regular hours. Another advantage is the relatively lessexpensive tuition fees of distance programs due to the exclusion of financial cost of campusfacilities. But this way of education is restricted to knowledge delivery and requires sufficientself-discipline and time-managing abilities; therefore it is not suitable for young studentsexcept as a complimentary source, as it can act as a virtual tutor or a tool for review orreinforcement of what is learned in regular schools.

  Overall, I would like to conclude that remote learning programs are making a contribution towider education receivers by supplying more chances for the acquisition of knowledge.But they cannot be expected to surpass the overall quality of education available at acollege which provides both knowledge and an environment for students' overalldevelopment.This is the key factor in education.


