
2022-06-03 12:37:59



  some people say that the subject ofinternational news should be taught insecondary school, other people say that it is awaste of valuable school time, discuss bothsides and give your opinion.


  We know that a lot of fundamental and usefulsubjects, such as mathematics, languages, chemistryand physics had been applied in secondary school fora long period. But nowadays, some people proposethat the subject of international news should also betaught in secondary school. For my part, I think,before we add a new subject to our secondary school education system, both advantages anddisadvantages of the subject need to be considered deliberately.

  On one hand, the subject of international news really bring about a lot of benefits to thesecondary school students. To be a modern and open-mind person, the knowledge of basicscience will not adequate for his or her future career, other kinds of knowledge, such as theknowledge of society, the knowledge of laws is also required in his or her practical work,otherwise, he or she will meet lots of problems that he or she could not handle. Consequently,secondary school is supposed to play not only the function of providing students withsystematic and disciplined basic science knowledge, but also play the function of helpingstudents to be more social, more open-mind and more competent in their practical work. Wecould hardly imagine that a modern person claim no idea about the great event happened inthe world. So, it is quite reasonable to add the subject of international news in secondaryschool to make the students more competitive for the society.

  On the other hand, spending too much time on the subjects irrelevant with basic sciencecould be regarded as a waste of valuable school time for the students in certaincircumstance. We know that the main function that secondary school play is to help studentlay a solid literature foundation and provide them with necessary preparation for his futureeducation (university,college,etc.). Accordingly, secondary school is supposed to put their focuson the content and improvement of teaching basic science. As for social subjects, such asinternational news, the educators and school managers need to arrange a proper portion oftime in teaching them and provide students with a more reasonable and perfect secondaryschool system.

  In conclusion, the subject of international news need to be taught in secondary schoolbecause of its great importance, however, it is plausible to teach this subject at a properportion of time.


