
2022-05-31 18:17:07



  Some people think that the development oftechnology has made our life more complex, and thesolution is to live a simpler life without thattechnology.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  The development of modern technology has made people's life more complex, so people shouldchoose to have a simple and easy life without using technology. To what extent do you agreeor disagree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge orexperience.

  The advancement of modern technology is making people's life more comfortable and at thesame time less human. To those who enjoy the benefits of technology, there is no better timeto be alive than now, but to others life has been increasingly complex and stressful. The issueis whether such new technological machines as computers and the Internet would be ourservants forever or eventually could become our masters.

  All kinds of inventions made possible by technology are designed to be the slaves of humanbeings, if human beings are not to be slaved by machines. Once upon a time, we were plainpeople, but that was before we began having relationships with technological systems. Bygetting involved with computerized machines, we could not help changing the way we live andthe way we work, for better or for worse It can be realized that life is more complex becausemuch of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs, and many"unnecessary" inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to berelatively simple. Thus, there is an overwhelming feeling of complexity in the sense thatmachines act like humans and humans act like machines. Now that "intelligent" machines suchas robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable ofdoing many useful jobs, although making many people jobless. Those who cannot work withcomputers are disadvantaged and therefore helpless while the traditional skills and simpleways of life are fading away, never to return again.

  Technology has turned this world into a different one full of wonders, some of them being toogood to be true. For example, mobile phone is playing an important role in our social andprofessional lives, whereas the Internet has connected people at every corner on the planetand beyond. As a consequence, telecommuting may soon become a more common way ofworking as more people are doing part of their jobs from home. And so what? Actually peopleare no closer to feeling happy in various respects because such technological developments aredestroying many basic values of simple and easy lifestyles. Computers in particular have madelife less emotional since the more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend withhuman beings.

  In sum, there are reasons to be worried about what will become of mankind as a whole facingan increasingly complex world in which they may enjoy all the conveniences of life and yet theydo not feel any happier or wiser. Who knows that over-dependence on modern technologycould not mean the beginning of the end of human sparks of creativity, spirit, compassion,love and understanding and other good things about a simple and easy life. In making people'slives more enjoyable but more complex, technology seems as if sending plenty of blessingsfrom heaven as well as sending plenty of evils from hell.


