雅思考试大作文范文:A Teacher Being Strict

2022-06-07 18:51:18


  雅思大作文题目:A Teacher Being Strict


  Good teaching could be something like a mission impossible if an educator fails to perform abalancing act between being kind and being rough. Nowadays society is much more open-minded, and it is easy for a teacher to forget putting a great value on school disciplines. Forstudents to work better, however, it is advisable that the teacher should be strict rather thanfriendly.

  There are those in favor of a strict teacher, with traditional reasons. According to theiropinions, children should fear their teachers, this being the only way in which they would studyand behave themselves. To begin with, it is thought that a pupil, if not properly pushed to workin the classroom, is likely to get a low grade. Then, only a strict educator can better helpstudents distinguish what is right from what is wrong in a moral sense. In the past, the harshand unfeeling way of educating a child was based on ruthless grounding and stern rules, whichused to create accomplished individuals like old-fashioned gentlemen and ladies. There isnothing wrong about the teacher being a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toesand calling attention to mistakes or carelessness on the part of the immature minds. Ofcourse, this does not mean the poker-faced teacher would never smile until Christmas.

  On the other hand, those who believe in the wisdom of modern psychology hold views to thecontrary. They blame some teachers for being so strict that they tend to terrify theirstudents to the point of tyranny. One argument is that a friendly teacher is a better teacherfor being a combination of the guidance of an educator and the understanding of a friend,thus giving a healthy boost to a child's personality development. Accordingly, under nocircumstances should the teacher should criticize or punish a student. It is argued that anotherwise introvert student reacts positively in the companionship of a friendly teacher who ismore close to the students and proves to be a better educator. Apart from that, it isunderstandable that today's parents prefer to see "loving" teachers for their offspring, andsuch an attitude can be explained by the way they obey their children at home.

  The teacher having a more strict approach is more effective than one who is trying to befriendly all the time since schooling is meant to influence students positively for the rest of theirlives. Therefore, the traditional value of working seriously on academic activities and ofinstilling moral principles to children cannot be overemphasized. The good news is that beingthe strict teacher and being the friendly teacher are not mutually exclusive.


