
2022-05-26 13:30:13




  Nowadays there is a large amount of violence in films and on television. I agree that thegovernment should take some effective measures to control the amount of the violence inorder to decrease the violent crimes in society.

  Although we cannot establish a simple, direct, cause-and-effect relationship between mediaviolence and violence in our society, there has been extensive research indicating that thosewho as children are exposed to violent TV shows or films are much more likely to later beconvicted of crime. Because as the main mass media, TV and films can be a powerful influence indeveloping value systems and shaping behavior, especially to the young people. A case in pointis that the study shows girls who watch more than an average amount of violence tend tothrow things at their husbands, and boys who grow up watching violent TV shows are morelikely to be violent with their wives.

  Another reason is that too much media violence makes people become "immune" to thehorror of violence and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. They may thinksociety justice cannot be realized in reasonable and fair ways. Violence worship becomes moreand more popular among some young people, which will pose a potential danger to thesecurity of society.

  The government should be aware that TV or film violence would not disappear even if theharms can be realized widely. Violence is being used as a superficial way to attract and holdaudience. In order to decrease the violent crimes in society the government should establishstrict laws to control or even prohibit the violence on TV and in films.


