
2022-06-08 18:25:26




  It is becoming clear that the growing globalization, and along with it the expandingmultinational companies, is not likely to benefit all the people all the time. In theoryglobalization could be the answer to the world's seemingly intractable economic problems, butin practice it might backfire because its fragility has often been underestimated. While thisgame is now inevitable, some people are wondering if the economy of each country has to bedependent on the economy of all the rest countries in order to make everybody happy.

  Multinational companies are big players in the game, reshaping world trade. The internationaleconomy that used to be is giving way to a new multinational economy as these companies playan increasingly decisive role in globalization changes. The dominance of leading corporations ishelping capitals and technologies flow, and goods and services move beyond borders in whatseems like a win-win situation. Free trade does pay off, spurring economic growth, creatingjobs, reducing labor costs, and lowering prices on many products, among other obviousbenefits, even though the practice is not without negative consequences. For example, toomuch outsourcing jobs overseas has been criticized in the United States because it presents anew threat, contributing to work insecurity and economic recession at home. However, insome labor-intensive countries, too much financial reliance on big foreign firms gives rise todoubts if it would not be an allusion to a new form of colonialism in the making.

  The effects of globalization are manifold, affecting various aspects of people's lifestyles as wellas world economy, chiefly because of marketing strategies undertaken by different multinationalcompanies. Promotion of liberal trade activities is perhaps the greatest achievement ofglobalization, acting as a boon to world economy in which fruits of success can be shared byas many people as expected. From this viewpoint, globalization is a a positive development.Nevertheless, there are reasons that not everyone really thinks highly of the epidemicglobalization which is changing individuals' lifestyles in a manner too far too fast. In somedeveloping countries, there are worries among people that multinational companies and bigeconomies are controlling the way they live and the way they work. Currently in some developedcountries, due largely to negative effects of globalization there appears no end of bad newsinvariably related to unemployment troubles and financial disasters.

  Regardless of its advantages and drawbacks, globalization is a fact of life and is here to stay likethe Internet and other inventions which further push international exchanges. It remains to beseen whether globalization engineered by multinational empires may just turn out to be thebest or the worst phenomenon that can happen to people around the world. While the gameis far from over, one thing is sure: happy or not, there is no turning back.

