雅思考试大作文范文:Teaching Capabilities

2022-05-22 02:19:26


  雅思大作文题目:Teaching Capabilities


  Teaching capabilities can be developed withexperience, therefore it is not essential to acquiresufficient to become a teacher. A teacher preparation program is designed to introduce a setof widely shared methods, better considered to be only as useful as a driver's manual of trafficregulations because a teacher's certificate does not guarantee a good teacher no more than adriver's license can guarantee a good driver. Training being an advantage, excellent teachersreally are born rather than made.

  Not all people are gifted with natural talents to help students learn , and it is exactly why somepeople would recommend teacher preparation programs. If you want to play the role of ateacher in the educational theater, you had better learn something about the dramatic art ofteaching. Professional training may at least make a certified teacher, if you think that three-fourths of good teaching may be pure theater. And think, too, what sense does it make wastinga good deal of money if such training is not linked to specific purposes? It is not withoutpractical causes that, in some countries, teachers' colleges have long been established as apolicy to prepare qualified educators, with obvious successes. Thus, to underline theimportance of training experience is to ensure that graduates are licensed to act as teachersafter acquiring enough teaching capabilities.

  There are reasons to believe that best teachers are born. As if by accident of birth, goodteaching skills are largely associated with an innate passion which is capable of inspiringchildren to learn at their full potential and of bringing even the most reticent student to somelevel of understanding and appreciation of the subject at hand. Without the need to gothrough a pre-job training, gifted teachers are able to turn each classroom session into awonderful experience. So, it is more like developing new teaching experience each day thanrecalling teaching methods copied from standardized training programs. Besides, experiencedeveloped in this manner makes teaching a natural art because born teachers are also giftedactors and actresses on the stage of the educational theater. Due mainly to a difference in theway experience is developed, the result not only can help teachers desire to teach, but alsostudents desire to learn.

  Made or born, an extraordinary teacher is one with good teaching capabilities. Much as adriving school can make a driver anyway, a training plan can make a teacher. And like drivingskills, good teaching capabilities can be developed with experience, independent of formaltraining.


