
2022-05-23 17:13:12


  1. 要做到“宽恕”这两个字, 不但要有一颗伟大的心, 还得要有勇气--比报复更需要勇气, 那实在远比报复更困难得多。

  That the realization of condonation not only needs a GREat heart but also embraces courage, a less indispensible element in retaliation, is much more difficult than that of revenge.

  2. 世界上本没有绝对的事情, 但时间却是例外。在有些人的感觉中, 一天的时间, 仿佛很快就已过去, 因为他们快乐, 勤奋, 他们懂得享受工作的乐趣,也懂得利用闲暇。在另一些人的感觉中, 一天的时间, 过得就好像永远过不完一样, 因为他们悲哀愁苦, 因为他们无所事事; 但无论人们怎么样感觉,一天就是一天。

  Except time, no matter of absolution exists in the world. Some people feel that the time is fleeting for they are diligent and optimistic, enjoy the fun from work, and take the advantage of leisure while others consider time endless in that the yare pessimistic and listless, but whatever people think of, it is eternally immutable that one day matches 24 hours.

  3. 世上只有时间不会因为任何人, 任何事而改变的。但时间却可以改变很多事, 甚至可以改变一切。

  Only time is unaffected with the constant change of human and its affairs, but such matter can even alter everything.

  4. 一个人活在世上, 做的事若是他想做的, 他岂非就应该很满足。

  A person should cater to satisfaction if he can do what he wants.

  5. 一个人无论活多久, 只要他的确有些事值得回忆就不算白活。

  No matter how long a person lives,as long as he does have some things worth remembering is not white.

  6. “死”的本身并不痛苦, 痛苦的只是临死前那一段的等待。

  What suffers is not death itself but the period of waiting to die.

  7. 无论多么深的悲哀和痛苦, 日久也会淡忘的。忘记, 本就是人类所以能生存的本能之一。

  No matter how severe they are, time will finally kiss away the melancholy and distress. Oblivion is indeed one of the instincts for human survival.

  8. 有些事发生在别人身上, 就是笑话就是闹剧, 若发生在你自己身上, 就变成悲剧了。

  It is a joke or a farce when certain events befall others, while it turns to a tragedy if they find you.

  9. 每个人活在世上, 好像都是想得多, 做得少。

  Every human seems to prefer speculation to action.

  10. 对一个人了解最深的, 常常是他最大的仇人。

  A person’s best mind reader is always his fateful foe.

