
2022-05-23 09:34:55


  Technology development is the process of research and development of technology. The specific steps of technology development depend on the underlying technology. Examples of technology development include:

  1. Software engineering

  2. Bio-technology

  3. Nano-technology


  If we look at the history of technology and its development, we will see that the dot-com bust is part of the normal pattern of events in any technological revolution. Technology revolution starts with the introduction of one or more technologies that enables the new cluster.

  1. The new technology cluster, at first little noticed, achieves successes in early demonstrations. Technical people start small companies based on the new ideas. These new companies compete intensely in this early turbulent phase, when government regulation is largely absent, and as successes mount in a technical free-for-all environment. The promise of extraordinary profit looms. The public begins to speculate.

  2. The middle phase sees a sustained build-out or golden age of the technology, during which the technology becomes the engine of growth for the economy. Large companies and oligopolies reign, and the period is one of confidence and prosperity.

  3. In the last phase, the technology matures. Technological possibilities are saturated, production moves to places on the periphery, and complacency sets in. Profits at home are low, and entrepreneurs start scouting for new opportunities. The economy becomes ripe for the next revolution.

  It was not the information economy that died with the dot-com crash. Only the hype died. The downturn in ICTs and the dot-com crash simply ended the first phase. We are now just entering the middle phase, the “sustained build-out or golden age of the technology”.
