雅思写作精彩段落分享:Advantages of studying abroad

2022-06-09 11:03:58

  雅思写作精彩段落:Advantages of studying abroad,希望对各位考生的备考有所帮助,祝每位烤鸭考试顺利,都能取得好成绩!

  Advantages of studying abroad:

  Many students choose to study abroad because there are greater opportunities in a particular foreign country. Foreign universities may offer better facilities or courses. They may also be more prestigious than universities in the student’s own country and have teachers who are experts in theirfields. Therefore, by studying abroad, students can expand their knowledge and gain qualifications that open the door to better job opportunities.A period of study abroad can also broaden students’ horizons. In the new country, they will have to live and work with other students of various nationalities. Thus, overseas students are exposed to different cultures,customs and points of view.


  Prestigious universities,名校

  Student’s own country=home country or native country, 祖国

  Expand knowledge=gain knowledge, 增加知识

  Gain qualifications= obtain qualifications, 获得学历

  Open the door to better job opportunities= improve employment prospects ,提高职业前景

  Broaden students’horizons,开阔视野

  Students of various nationalities= students from different backgrounds, 来自不同背景

  Exposed to different cultures and points of view,接触不同文化和观点

  Overseas students= international students=students who study overseas, 留学生
