美式英语一直是一种非常重视实效的语言。从独立战争结束前夕ThomasPaine的名作Common Sense(该书至今仍是美国历史上人均拥有率最高的图书),到去年Stephenie Meyer在北美炙手可热的Twilight Series;从Ralph Wal-do Emerson的名言“All life is an experiment.The more experiments youmake,the better.”,到up in the Air片尾George Clooney的经典独白“To-night most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealingkids…”,生动、活泼、坦诚、率真始终是美语与很多欧洲语言相比所具有的重要特色。
比如Columbia University的哲学与教育学大腕儿Jonas F.Soltis在讨论pedagogy and analysis这个本应颇为高深的话题时这样写道:I n a way,I suppose,students and teachers may feel that to ask suchridiculous questions as,“What is meant by‘education’?,‘subject matter’?orlearning?”)”is like asking a housewife to reflect on the meaning of“cooking”,“cleaning”or“washing dishes”.After all,the ordinary termswhich refer broadly to what students and teachers actually do each day of theirlives hardly calI for an unnecessary use of brain power…
除了reflect on这个phrasal verb大家也许还不是很熟悉之外(在本书第二章您将会学到这个有用的动词短语),这样的“亲民”路线一定不会让读者产生理解上的歧义或者阅读时的距离感。