
2022-06-11 12:03:05




  1. 用来表示省略,比如:I’m I’ve I’d

  需要注意的是,will not缩写成won’t,属于一个特殊的形式。另一点,更为重要,就是在书面语种,尽量不要使用缩写形式。

  2. 表示所有关系

  表示诸如:belongs to, possessed by, owned by, and of

  用撇号表示所属关系是最为简便快捷的(quickest and easiest),这对英语,尤其是美式英语来说非常重要。

  3. 如果是单数以-s结尾的词,所属形式是-‘s,比如:Doris’s。但是如果是以-s结尾的复数,则直接加-‘,例如:parents’。

  二、引号 Quotation Marks

  1. 用来引用某人说的话或者作者说的话。


  “I feel as though I’ve been here before,” Annie murmured to her husband. (注意,引号结束前没有用句号。)

  Ben Franklin once wrote, “To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.”


  “Did you know,” said the nutrition expert, “that it’s healthier to be ten pounds overweight?” (注意,在引用的过程中没有使用冒号,这是同中文标点不同的地方。)

  The biology professor said, “Ants are a lot like human beings. They farm their own food and raise smaller insects as livestock. And, like humans, ants end armies to war.”(注意,这个例句里面有了句号。逗号和句号的选择不受引号存在的影响,只要在引用过程中没有其他内容插入,则不需要启用新的引号。)


  - Every quotation begins with a capital letter.


  - When a quotation is split, the second part does not begin with a capital letter unless it is a new sentence.


  - Commas are used to separate the quoted part of a sentence from the rest of the sentence.


  - Commas and periods that come at the end of quotation to inside the quotation marks.






  The nurse said, “Some babies cannot tolerate cows’ milk.”


  The nurse said that some babies cannot tolerate cows’ milk.

  2. 用于标出短篇作品的名称


  Title of books, newspapers, magazines, plays, movies, CDs, and television shows



  Articles in books, newspapers or magazines; chapters in a book; short stories; poems; and songs

  The essay “On Self-Respect” in the book Slouching Towards Bethlehem

  The essay “On Self-Respect” in the book Slouching Towards Bethlehem

  3. 表示对特殊词或词组的引用

  In grade school, we were taught a little jingle about the spelling rule “i before e.”


  What is the difference between “it's” and “its”?


  4. 单引号用于引号之内的引用

  The physics professor said, “For class on Friday, do the problems at the end of the chapter titled ‘Work and Energy.’”


  四 冒号 Colon


  1 List:


  The store will close at noon on the following dates: November 26, December 24, and December 31.

  2 Long Quotation:

  In his book Life Lines, Forrest Church maintains that people should cry more: “Life is difficult. Some people pretend that it is not, that we should be able to breeze through. Yet hardly a week passes in which most of us don’t have something worth crying about. ”

  3 Explanation:

  Here’s a temporary solution to a dripping faucet: Tie a string to it, and let the drops slide down the string to the sink.

  五 分号 Semicolon

  1 用来分隔两个单独的句子,有时可以看作是句号


  Lonnie heard a noise and looked out the window; the only thing there was his reflection.

  He checked on the new baby every five minutes; he was afraid something would happen to her.

  Lizards become sluggish at night; they need the sun’s warmth to maintain an active body temperature.

  The large dog was growling at me; there were white bubbles of foam around its mouth.

  We knew a power failure had occurred; all the clocks in the building were forty-seven minutes slow.

  2 用来分隔列举的个体(在个体内部使用逗号的时候)。


  Maya’s children are named Melantha, which means “black flower;” Yomina, which means “dove:” and Cynthia, which means “moon goddess.”(注意,标点在引号里面哦)

  My parents’ favorite albums are Rubber Soul, by the Beatles; Songs in the key of life, by Stevie Wonder; and Bridge over Trouble Water, by Simon and Garfunkel.

  六 破折号 Dash



  I was so exhausted that I fell asleep within seconds – standing up.

  He has many good qualities – sincerity, honesty, and thoughtfulness – yet he had few friends.

  The pardon form the governor finally arrived – too late.



  七 圆括号 Parentheses



  In 1913, the tax on an annual income of $4,000 (a comfortable wage at that time) was one penny.

  Arthur C. Clarke, author of science fiction books (including 2001: A Space Odyssey), was inspired as a young man by the magazine Astounding Stories.

  八 连字符 Hyphen

  1 用来把两个以上的单词连在一起,组成新的单词


  The light-footed burglar silently slipped open the sliding glass door.

  While being interviewed on the late-night talk show, the quarterback announced his intention to retire.

  With a needle, Rich punctured the fluid-filled blister on his toe.

  2 用来连接因为换行而中断的单词,注意,一定要按音节分,而且尽量避免这种现象。


  Selena’s first year at college was a time filled with numerous new pres-

  sures and responsibilities.


  1 英文里面没有顿号,不要问我顿号怎么打出来。

  2 无论打印还是手写,都要先加标点再有空格。

