
2022-05-20 05:03:37




  Due to the advancement of era, internationalmusic is universally recognized and accepted. It notonly bridges cultures but also stimulates geographiccommunication. Therefore, accumulative numbersof people propose that we should promoteinternational music at full steam. Nevertheless,others argue that traditional music deserves moreattention because it embodies racial civilization. Infact, from all the aspects, traditional music is partof international music, and, in the meantime,international music is based on traditional one. Bothof them ought to be promoted.

  To define the terms of international music and traditional one comes first. Internationalmusic falls to multitudes of factors, instancing classic music, pop music, R&B, and globaltraditional music. Simultaneously, traditional music is categorized into local and international.Therefore, we can see that the word of international represents a platform, and traditional iscontent. They are inseparable. Hence, while promoting international music, we must attachgreat importance to traditional one, and vice versa.

  Another reason of progressing both international and traditional music is that they aremutually supportive. The significance of this practice has been evidenced by a Chinese work,Jasmine. This piece was passed to generations and enjoyed great reputation in China.However, the work wasn’t globally welcomed until it was performed in New Year Symphony,Vienna in 1994. It is apparent that this masterpiece makes international music more brilliantand international music makes it remarkable.

  To sum up, traditionalized international music and internationalize traditional music are co-existent, so the evolution of former must be in conformity with the latter. Otherwise, we cannot sustain them because both platform and content are indispensable.  


