
2022-05-31 12:06:46

  很多托友在考综合写作时,总是苦恼自己的听力不给力,导致自己的综合写作部分总是徘徊在limited。不可否认,综合写作要得到4分或5分这样的高分,听力的重要性不言而喻。但是,要得到3分原始分数,也就是对应我们量化后的分数20分,听力真的有那么重要吗? 我们来看一下ETS在《官方指南》中给出的一篇3分的综合写作范文和范文评语,再下定论。

  Score 3 Response:

  The lecturer provide the opposite opinion concerning what the article offered. The team work often bring negative effet. As we all know superficially, team work and team spirits are quite popular in today’s business world and also the fashionable terms. However, the lecturer find deeper and hiding results.

  Firstly, the working results of team members can’t be fully valued. For example, if a team member does nothing in the process of team discussion, decision making and final pratice, his or her work delinquency will not be recognized because we only emphasize team work. Also, the real excellent and creative member’s work might be oblitetrated for the same reason.

  Secondly, the team work might lose its value when team members are leading by several influential people in the group. One of the essential merits of team is to avoid the individule wrong. But one or two influential or persuasive people will make the team useless.

  Thirdly, team work oftem become the excuse of taking responsibility. All in charge, nobody care.

  All in all, what we should is the fully distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of a concept or widely used method. That is to keep the common sense.

  Rater Comments:

  The first point is clearly stated and accurately conveys the lecturer’s comments about team members who contributes little and team members who contribute a great deal. (第一点:有分论点有细节,但有些许语法和拼写错误) The second point about influencers is somewhat error-prone or vague and non-idiomatic language , not fully explain the reason these influencers create problems.(第二大点:与听力有一点关系,但是表述模糊且没有细节) The third point is not fully related to the passage and lecture, and the meaning is not clearly.(第三大点:完全与听力阅读没有关系,表达意思不清楚)

  上面Rater给出的评分,说的通俗一点实际上是在做加法,也就是说我们要得3分,要做到三点:1. 阅读和写作的逻辑关系,2.写作和听力中的两个分论点,3.一些细节。



  The reading and listening passages debate (have conflicting opinions) about _____. The reading material believes that _______, providing three reasons, which are contradicted by the following lecture.

  Firstly, the reading material claims that _______. However, the speaker contradicts the idea of the reading. The reason is that _________.

  Secondly, the reading material points that _______. However, according to the speaker, the reading’s claim does not bear more analysis, because _________.

  Thirdly, the reading material argues that _______. The reason is that ____________. However, the speaker holds the opposite opinion by stating that____. It is because _____.

  第二点,分论点怎么办?阅读分论点自不必说,一定是概括某一段的段意的句子。听力分论点怎么办?从阅读分论点进行倒推或预测。 阅读分论点有两种情况:一种是主观想法,一种是客观证据。主观想法,直接加not就是听力的分论点。客观证据不能倒推,只能作为背景预测听力内容,这样会大大减少听力难度。


