
2022-05-21 11:49:22

  本场作为14年第一场考场,无论是所考的文章还是题目,与去年相比,稳中有变。首先,新旧文章相结合的组合不变,本场考试2旧一新,这种组合的概率是比较高的。其中去年考察最多的教育场景,本次的考试也有涉及到,另外,其他两篇文章分别属于经济和天文场景,在去年这类文章考察的比较少。本次考试的题型只有一大道填空题,即summary,而填空题在去年下半年考中的概率是最大的。本次考试一大亮点是,判断题在三篇文章中均由出现,而往年基本上都是只有2篇文章有判断题。所以烤鸭们在平时的复习过程中,要加大判断题的比重,特别要注重区分false/no 与not given之间的区别。

  Passage 1 Societal Marketing 新题




  The societal marketing concept is an enlightened marketing concept that holds that a company should make good marketing decisions by considering consumers' wants, the company's requirements, and society's long-term interests. It is closely linked with the principles of corporate social responsibility and of sustainable development. Early papers on the topic include those by William Lazer[1] and by Philip Kotler and Sidney Levy.[2] The Journal of Marketing presented a comprehensive discussion of societal marketing in July 1971.

  Read more //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Societal_marketing

  Passage 2 Young People’s Lack of Exercise 旧题


  题型:list of headings;判断题;多选题


  Passage 3 Martian Landscape 旧题




  Data gathered by NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft suggest that the martian climate may have changed significantly in the past, and may be changing quickly even now. According to two papers published in the Dec. 7, 2001, issue of Science, these changes may happen over a much shorter time scale than scientists previously thought. Images taken by the spacecraft’s camera system over a the course of a full martian year (687 Earth days) showed that pits in the planet’s perennial southern polar ice cap are growing dramatically. The only material that might have sublimated into gas so quickly was carbon dioxide ice (dry ice), which was enlarging the pits by measurable amounts. The images confirmed a decades-old suspicion among researchers that the planet’s surface ice was made of solid carbon dioxide instead of frozen water. “This is prima facie evidence of climate change,” says Michael Malin, of Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego, who, along with colleagues Michael Caplinger and Scott Davis, is principal investigator for the Global Surveyor’s camera system. “The measurements have rather profound implications, and bring into question a number of our views about the short-term stability of the martian climate.”

  Read more //www.geotimes.org/feb02/NN_MarsCC.html


  radio wave n.无线电波

  planet n.行星

  star n. 恒星

  life form n. 生命

  light year n. 光年

  alien civilization n.外星球文明

  galaxy n. 星系

  extra-terrestrial n.外星球的

  telescope n.望远镜

  NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国国家航天航空局

  spacecraft n. 宇宙飞船

  transit n. (天体)运行

  astronomy n. 天文学

  Venus n.金星

  Mercury n.水星

  Jupiter n.木星
