
2022-06-08 01:38:42



  When all the facts are examined,the advantagesand disadvantages weighed,and biased opinions cast away,it is notdifficult to draw the conclusion that...



  In the lecture, the professor makes severalpoints about XXXXXX. The professor argues that XXXXXX. However, the reading contendsthat XXXXXX. The professor' s lecture challenges the reading by using a number ofpoints that are contrary to XXXXXX. The first point that the professor uses to castdoubt on the reading is XXXXXX. According to the professor,XXXXXX.XXXXXX differs from the reading in that the reading says XXXXXX. The point madeby the professor challenges the reading because XXXXXX. Another point that the professoruses to question the reading is XXXXXX. The professor states that XXXXXX. However,the reading claims XXXXXX. This point is refuted by XXXXXX. The third point thatthe professor uses to undermine the reading is XXXXXX. According to the lecture,XXXXXX. In contrast, the reading says that XXXXXX. This directly contradicts whatthe lecture indicates, because XXXXXX.

  上述模板的特点是“耍赖”。为什么这么说呢,综合作文要求的字数为150- 225,而上述模板 长达134个词。运用如此“超长无敌” 模板的最终结果必然是只见模板不见文章的具体内容。而且你觉得E-rater如此强大的语料库会检测不出文章超过一半都是模板这件事吗?如果你的回答是肯定的,那么好吧,送你一句名人名言“Too young, too simple, sometimes naïve ”事实上,模板好比游泳时的救生圈。有了救生圈能确保不会淹死,但是,凭借救生圈游泳无法说明自己是游泳高手一样,完全依赖模板写作也无法说明自己是一位写作高手。因此不要用太死板的模板(即无法在其基础上做灵活处理的模板),更不能随便从网上找一个模板,然后一词不落地套用,那样考官一看就有抄袭的嫌疑,其结果你就只能狗带了。

