
2022-05-21 05:13:21


  托福独立写作评分标准中关于句型的说明:Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.体现对学生作文用词用句的多样性和变化性的相关要求。

  想要在托福写作中把复杂一些的句式用上,可以首先在开头段用复杂句。开头段比如Despite some people may argue that it also leads to some negative effects,such as environmental pollution or more pressure, yet,in my opinion,life today is more comfortable and easier than the past,since it brings more pros than cons in the follow aspects.这个复杂句用对比的方式,兼顾“some people ”的观点,强调了自己的观点。由于想以这种方式引出自己的观点需要表达的内容很多,如果不用复杂句子,简单句的堆砌会使重点不清晰,结构也不够流畅。可以参考的内容有:despite,such as environmental pollution or more pressure这种插入形式,since引出理由(原因)的用法。

  在中间段落处,主题句可以一句带过,在展开时给出一句复杂句形式的解释、举例等内容。这样论点更加清晰,展开也够充分。一般来说,使用”not only...but also...“、”instead of“、”more ...than...“、”due to“、”as“、”which“定语从句等增加句子的内容量,也能避免太过简单的句子使用。比如句子:Additionally,the improvement of transportation,involving multiple kinds of transport such as buses,trains and even airplanes,they not only improve efficiency of travel,which save much more time within the same distance,but also ameliorate service mechanism in order to provide passengers more comfortable environment during their travel.句子用一句话,将论点“现代交通发展提高出行效率和提升出行体验”展开。



