
2022-05-31 20:02:58



Topic 议题:whether the cave paintings of Lascaux are used to guarantee successful hunting
  Reading Listening
Sub-point 1
First, most of the animals painted on the wall are usually large mammals, such as bison, wild horses, and cattle, and rightly they are the animals hunted by people. Besides, some animals are hurt by arrows and spares. Some animals on the painting such as cats are the kind of animals that would be hunted, and some important preys are not on the painting, such as reindeers. In addition, there were just small group of wounded animals.
Second, human figures with the heads of horse appeared in the painting in order to disguise themselves. They might be a hunter wearing a head mask. Those human figures are not standing up, but lying horizontally, and some of them even were at the back of the animals, as if they were sleeping. So we can not interpret what these really means.
Sub-point 3
Third, the theme of those painting may reflect the culture of local people. In their belief, the painting of the scene of successful hunting can herald that real hunts will be successful. The contents of the painting may actually record certain ceremony, for they believed that they could communicate with their ancestors by the media of animals.

  Sample answer:

  The writer and the speaker have a debate on whether the cave paintings of Lascaux are used to guarantee successful hunting. The writer provides three reason to support this, which are opposed by the following lecture.

  First, the writer claims that most of the animals painted on the wall are usually large mammals, such as bison, wild horses, and cattle, and rightly they are the animals hunted by people. Besides, some animals are hurt by arrows and spares. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, according to him/her, some animals on the painting such as cats are the kind of animals that would be hunted, and some important preys are not on the painting, such as reindeers. In addition, there were just small group of wounded animals.

  Second, the passage states that human figures with the heads of horse appeared in the painting in order to disguise themselves. They might be a hunter wearing a head mask. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that those human figures are not standing up, but lying horizontally, and some of them even were at the back of the animals, as if they were sleeping. So we can not interpret what these really means.

  Last, the writer argues that the theme of those painting may reflect the culture of local people. In their belief, the painting of the scene of successful hunting can herald that real hunts will be successful. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. The contents of the painting may actually record certain ceremony, for they believed that they could communicate with their ancestors by the media of animals.


作文题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to be well educated today than it is in the past.
题型类别: 这次的写作是个老题,属于事实类的今昔对比题,可以从经济、政策、科技、环境、意识等造成今昔差异的方面入手。
写作指导: Agree:经济状况的改善让人们可以更自由的受到教育和继续深造。在过去人们相对比较拮据,首先想要满足的就是自己的物质需求,追求温饱,而上学对于他们来说就是一件奢侈的事情,特别是如果家里有很多小孩子,可能这个家庭只能承受一个孩子的学费。但是在现在人们的经济更富裕,有闲余的钱供孩子读书,甚至是很多课外的补习班。 政策的改革便利了人们的求学。九年义务教育的推行也让很多贫困孩子让上得起学,成绩好的可以还可以在大学拿奖学金或者减免学费。再有,政府也积极开设和鼓励人们开设更学的学校,不仅只中小学,大学也是,现在的高校数量比20年前多了很多,更有人有机会接受高等教育,而不是一大群人要争抢名额。 互联网的普及带来了信息的流通,便利了人们自学。现在即使人们不去学校和图书管,在家用电脑,甚至是小小的手机也能够在互联网上寻找课程自己学习。现在网上有很多免费或是付费的课程,还有开放的数据库,例如网易课堂,百度文库等。


  It is easier to become a educated person today than it was in the past.

  Access to education is an indispensable part of one’s privilege regardless of one’s gender, culture, and family background. When it comes to the availability of educational resources, some believe that it is more difficult for kids from common household to get decent education due to the wide gap between rich and poor and the ever-increasing tuitions, while others claim that it is much easier for people to have access to different educational resources than ever before. I, personally, tend to argue that multiple educational resources are more accessible to modern people based on the following reasons.

  First off, the advent of technological gadgets makes it possible for people from common family backgrounds to gain access to education. To be more specific, with the appearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier for people of all age groups, including adolescents and teenagers, to get access to all kinds of education resources. For example, with internet access and a laptop, which is basically a necessity for everyone, people of all age groups can get proper education especially with the establishment of massive on-line open course like courser, Edx, etc. These massive on-line courses covers a wide range of topics ranging from computer science, coding, to language learning and soft skill development. In sharp contrast, a few decades ago, people from poverty-stricken areas had never dreamed of attending the lectures offered by world-renowned professors, however, with the above-mentioned resources, it is absolutely possible for those people to realize their dreams. Thus, state-of-the-art technology makes if possible for people to have full access to high quality educational resources.

  Additionally, governments have put so much financial and human resources to provide education at different levels so that people enjoy a better chance to be educated. For instance, Chinese government spared no effort in this regard since education from kindergarten to twelfth grade is fully subsidized and such educational experience is accessible to children from both rural and urban areas. Besides, institutions of higher learning and various research centers receive state fund, and the figure is so phenomenal that it is not exaggerated to claim that it is in billions of U.S. dollars. Such foundations can be for multiple purpose, like purchasing advanced science equipment, attracting bring young researchers and scientists, funding cutting-edge research to improve people’s livelihood, directly and indirectly. All of these institutions and universities are in a better position to provide education resources to people.

  In conclusion, it is much easier for people to get education of all level ranging from kindergarten to tertiary education since education comes in handy with advanced technological tools like these massive on-line courses and governments’ effort to improve people’s educational experience.
