
2022-06-08 16:06:04



  “So long as no laws are broken, there isnothing unethical about doing whatever you need to do to promoteexisting products or to create new products.”

  On the other hand,several convincing arguments can be made for holding business to ahigher ethical standard. First, in many cases government regulationsthat protect consumers lag behind advances in technology. A newmarketing technique made possible by internet technology may beunethical but nevertheless might not be proscribed by the letter of thelaws which predated the Internet. Second, enforceability might notextend beyond geographic borders. Consider, for example, the case of“dumping.” When products fail to comply with U.S. regulations, Americancompanies frequently market—or “dump”—such products in third-worldcountries where consumer—protection laws are virtually nonexistent.Third, moral principles form the basis of government regulation andare, therefore, more fundamental than the law.


  “Allgroups and organizations should function as teams in which everyonemakes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving oneperson central authority and responsibility for a project or task isnot an effective way to get work done.”

  By way of contrast, atrauma unit in a hospital is a case in which one individual shouldassume responsibility, delegate duties and make decisions. In traumaunits, split-second decisions are inherently part of the daily routine,and it is generally easier for one person to make a quick decision thanfor a team to agree on how to proceed. One could argue that sincedecisions in trauma units are typically life-and-death ones, leavingthese decisions to one person is too risky. However, this argumentignores the crucial point that only the most experienced individualsshould be trusted with such a burden and with such power; leavingdecisions to inexperienced group members can jeopardize a patient’svery life.


  “It is unrealistic toexpect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrificesnecessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwidecooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energyresources for future generations.”

  Another reason why aninternational effort is required is that other problems of aninternational nature have also required global cooperation. For example, has each nation independently recognized the folly of nuclearweapons proliferation and voluntarily disarmedNo. Only by way of aninternational effort, based largely on coercion of strong leadersagainst detractors, along with an appeal to self-interest, have we madesome progress. By the same token, efforts of individual nations tothwart international drug trafficking have proven largely futile,because efforts have not been internationally based. Similarly, theproblem of energy conservation transcends national borders in thateither all nations must cooperate, or all will ultimately suffer.


  “The best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then advise them how to attain it.”

  Mysecond reason for rejecting this method is that more often than notwhat people want is what is best for them. Parents continually facethis problem when advising their children. For example, suppose a childwants to quit school and get a job. Surely, the parents would bederelict in helping their child attain this want instead of convincingthe child that continuing education would be in his or her bestinterest.


  “Work greatly influencespeople’s personal lives—their special interests, their leisureactivities, even their appearance away form the workplace.”

  Onthe one hand, consider my friend Winson and Yolanda. Winson works as agardener, but after work he creates oil painting s of quality andpoignancy. His leisure time is spent alternately at the sea, in thewilderness, and in dark cafes. Yolanda paints houses for a living, buton his own time he collects fine art and books in first edition, aswell as reading voraciously in the area of American history. Theiroutside activities and appearance speak little about what Winson andYolanda do for a living, because these men view their jobs as littlemore than a means of subsidizing mere activities that manifest theirtrue selves. At the same time, they have chosen jobs that need notspill over into their personal lives, so the nature of their jobspermits them to maintain a distinctive identity apart from their work.

  Onthe other hand, consider my friend Becky—a business executive who livesand breathes her work. After work hours you can invariably find her ata restaurant or bar with colleagues, discussing work. Becky’s wardrobeis primarily red—right off the dress-for-success page of a woman’smagazine. For Becky, her job is clearly an expression of herself-concept. Also, by its nature it demands Becky’s attention and timeaway from the workplace. What has determined the influence of work onpersonal lives in these cases is the extent to which each person seeshimself or herself in terms of work.


  ABC,a highly respected and well-known professor/scholar inmanagement/business ethics/public relations/marketing/advertising inthe sociology department of Pecking University (China National Academyof Social Sciences), once remarked that…

  ABC, generalmanager/president of …company, the major manufacturer of…in China,points out/once told me/once said (and I paraphrase) that…


  Involvingemployees in the decision making process can motivate their devotionand loyalty to their company. According to psychologist Maslow, each ofus is motivated to take actions designed to satisfy needs, whichinclude psychological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needsand self-actualization needs. When the employees are encouraged toengage in a policy making process they feel that they are respected bythe managers and that the companies’ development is part of theircareer and life. As a result, employees are spurred to corporate withthe management in every effective way to complete the task of thecompany.


  According to a recent (new/official) study (survey/report/poll), …

  Arecent (new/nationwide/general) study (survey/poll/investigation)conducted (taken) at a university by scientist (officials/experts)indicates (reveals/suggests/shows/proves/demonstrates) that…

  Accordingto (As can be seen in/As is shown in) the figures(statistics/findings/data/graph/table) released (provided) bygovernment (an institute), it can be learned (seen/predicted) that…


  It is difficult for people to fully respect a leader who cannot, or willnot, do what he or she asks of others. President Clinton’s difficultyin his role as Commander-in-Chief serves as a fitting and very publicexample. When Clinton assumed this leadership position, it waswell-known that he had evaded military service during the Vietnamconflict. Military leaders and lower-level personnel alike made itclear that they did not respect his leadership as a result. Contrastthe Clinton case is that of a business leader such as John Chambers,CEO of Cisco Systems, who by way of his training and experience as acomputer engineer earned the respect of his employees.

  It islikewise difficult to trust leaders who do not have experience in theareas under their leadership. The Clinton example illustrates thispoint as well. Because President Clinton sacked military experience,people in the armed forces found it difficult to trust that hispolicies would reflect any understanding of their interests or needs.And when put to the test, he undermined their trust to an even greaterextent with his na?ve and largely bungled attempt to solve the problemof gays in the military. In stark contrast, President Dwight Eisenhowerinspired nearly devotional trust as well as respect because of his roleas military hero in World War II.

