
2022-06-11 09:03:42

  TPO (TOEFL Practice Online) 是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专为参加

  1. 阅读要点概括:

  Main point: Scientists have advanced several hypotheses to explain this decline.

  Sub point 1: The yellow cedar decline may be caused by insect parasites, specifically the cedar bark beetle.

  Sub point 2: A second hypothesis attributes the decline to brown bears.

  Sub point 3: Gradual changes of climate may be to blame.

  2. 听力要点概括:

  Main point: We still do not know what is killing the yellow cedar. None of the explanations discussed in the reading is adequate.

  Sub point 1: These healthy yellow cedars are generally much more resistant to insect infection than other tree species.

  Sub point 2: Bears cannot be the reason for the decline, because islands cedars are decreasing without bears.

  Sub point 3: Although the climate change may have made the cedar roots more sensitive than they used to be, this is not what killed them.




