
2022-05-27 19:28:14


  托福独立写作题目:Themost important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.

  今天欣赏翟康老师的一个文章段落。 本文特点为用词非常正式,也有相当的难度,注意其中的逻辑连接方式,非常严谨。

  My major argument to overthrow the aforementioned statement is grounded onthe historical facts about the most serious problems of human society. There is little doubt that wars are ranked among the most crucial problems persecuting our society,as countless wars have broken out in history, which have brought disasters and caused the retrogress of human civilization. It would suffice to prove this point by taking the two world wars as an example. The First World War devoured innumerable lives and especially the Somme Battle fought in 1916, which was merely one of the battles in the war, caused tens of thousands of deaths; and the Second World War, which consumed even more lives and laid waste to cities beyond count, was even more catastrophic. However, despite the losses that man suffered, human society has nevertheless been beset with wars since the end of WW II; though no world-wide war broke out, regional conflicts are still afflicting many people, so to say we are able to eliminate warfare within our lifetime seems only wishful thinking.

