
2022-05-20 19:33:33


  托福独立写作练习题目:Should we know about the events happening around the world that do not affect our lives?

  中心句:First, the advancement of globalization has stimulated the increasing connectivity between human beings on different parts of the worlds.

  理由:Interconnectivity between individuals brings about more intense interdependence, be it economically, culturally, or socio-politically. Things change so rapidly nowadays that what seemingly does not affect us this moment might become the determining factor that transforms our lives the next minute. This has made it very important for us to keep ourselves updated with events taking place all over the planet earth.

  例子:For instance,rampant Islamist terrorist activities in the Middle East had constantly made the headlines. Yet ordinary Americans didn’t seem to be aware of the deadly power of these extremist groups till the 9.11 attack killed nearly 3000 civilians. Researches conducted post-9.11 attack showthat most US citizens are insufficiently informed about current affairs as they only care about what directly affects their lives. Consequently, they were caught so much unprepared by Osama Bin Laden’s plot.

  总结例子:so to cast your eyes to other countries and see the world as a whole is essential to modern people.

