
2022-05-28 01:15:41


  Do teachers today has more influence on the students?


  Inaddition, the class size has largely reduced compared with the past, which oppositely increases teachers’ time and energy spending on students. 首先提出分论点:课堂规模从过去的大课堂变成如今的小规模课堂,保证老师有更多的精力和时间放在学生身上。

  Besides parents, teachers probably play the largest role in influencing students.However, twenty years ago, due to the lack of faculty, every individual teacher might be in the charge of over 60 students, even giving several classes perday. In other words, teachers would not have adequate energy on stuffing students’ heads with knowledge, let alone spending more time interacting with students. 对比论证的展开:在过去,课堂规模大,老师精力有限

  Today,schooling systems had adopted radically different approach to education:in a typical class, two teachers supervise 25 students; different teachers give different lessons. Thus, to teachers, more time couldbe provided to inspire a deep thirst for knowledge in students, or have a chat with them. 现在,课堂规模缩小,老师可以有更多时间研究教学,与学生交流

