
2022-05-26 01:32:23




  Model 1

  a) First of all, the author commits the “After Of This, Therefore, Because Of This” fallacy.

  b) The author assumes that A caused B.

  c) The line of the reasoning is that because A before B, the former event caused the latter.

  d) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out.

  e) For example, perhaps A1 is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by A2.

  Model 2

  a) First, the argument relies on the assumption that A has caused B.

  b) The author uses the statistical relationship//positive correlation between A and B to establish causality.

  c) However, a statistical relationship//positive correlation does not mean causality.

  //The fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.

  d) There may be other factors that could have caused B/contributed to B.

  e) Such as A1, A2, and A3.

  Model 3

  a) First, the author fails to establish a causal relationship between the fact A and the claim B.

  b) The fact that A coincide with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.

  c) This argument is unacceptable if there is no compelling evidence to support the connection between these two events.

  A) This argument is based on an oversimplified analysis of the cause of---// the author oversimplifies the cause of---.

  B) This argument is based on hasty generalization // suffers from a fallacy of overgeneralization.

  第二宗罪 Insufficient-sample

  Model 1

  a) In the first place, the evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it.

  b) ONE EXAMPLE is rarely sufficient to establish a GENERAL conclusion.

  c) Unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.

  d) In fact, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all.

  Model 2

  a) First, the mere fact that ---is insufficient evidence to conclude that----.

  b) The statistics from ONLY A FEW RESENT YEARS are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends.

  c) It is possible that---.

  Model 3

  a) Finally, the argument is unwarranted for the flaw of “Insufficient sample” fallacy.

  b) Based on a specific example of A1 and only three courses, it is logically unsounded to make suggestion for all A .

  c) It is possible that --- caused --- in three specific course in a certain school, but the arguer has never provided any evidence to indicate A2 will similar to A1.

  Model 4

  a) In the first place, the author provide no evidence to support the claim that A1 the population as a whole is aging and that A2 the hotel occupancy rate in general is deciding,

  b) The example cited, while suggestive of these trends, is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe the data drawn from the special region is representative of the entire country.

  c) For example, if the region from which the data was gathered was Florid, it would clearly be unrepresentative. The reason for this is obvious---.

  第三宗罪: 错误类比 (based on a false analogy )

  Model 1

  a) In the first place, the argument is based on a false analogy.

  b) Analogies draw between A and B are highly suspect because there are many serious differences.

  c) While A ----, B----.// For example, A----, however, B----.

  d) Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do---.

  Model 2

  a) To begin with, the reason/argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to/similar to B in all respects (other than the ones listed)

  b) This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there are many dissimilarities as well.

  c) For example, A----, however, B----.

  第四宗罪 all things are equal

  Model 1

  a) The author also commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”.

  b) The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that ---.

  c) The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations.

  d) However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at A are the same as they used to be two years ago.

  e) Thus it is impossible to conclude that ---.

  第五宗罪 Either-Or choice

  Model 1

  a) the author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives.

  b) However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either/or choice.

  c) Adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.

  Model 2

  a) The author unfairly assumed that – -must make an either/or choice between the two--.

  b) This assumption present a false dilemma, since the two –are not necessarily mutually-exclusive alternatives.

  c) Common sense tells us that --- can succeed by doing in both--.

  第六宗罪 survey/poll is doubtful

  Model 1

  a) To begin with, the validity of the survey is doubtful.

  b) Lacking information about the number of employees surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results.

  c) For example, if 200 employees were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that --- would be highly suspect.

  d) Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out these interpretations, the results of the survey are insufficient to support the conclusion.

  Model 2

  a) Finally, the poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative//reliable.

  b) The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or how the poll was conducted.

  c) Until these question are answered, the results are worthless as evidence for ---.

  Model 3

  A) the arguer fails to provide necessary information concerning the sample and the procedure of the survey.

  B) The arguer fails to provide information regarding when, where and how the research is conducted.

  第七宗罪 gratuitous assumption

