
2022-05-18 02:13:39

  GMAT Argument题库是GMAT官方指南中给出的145道论证辨析写作题(Analysis of an Argument)的汇总,论证辨析题是GMAT分析性写作(Analytical Writing Assessment)中的写作任务,要求考生对给出的一个已知论证进行逻辑错误分析和客观论证。SmartStudy Argument逐题精讲课堂通过对每一个Argument题目的解构,在指出所有逻辑错误的同时,再现做出此种判断的理由和过程,給予细致的解答和指导。


  In response to petitions from the many farmers and rural landowners throughout our region, the legislature has spent valuable time and effort enacting severe laws to deter motorists from picking fruit off the trees, trampling through the fields, and stealing samples of foliage. But how can our local lawmakers occupy themselves with such petty vandalism when crime and violence plague the nation’s cities? The fate of apples and leaves is simply too trivial to merit their attention.

  1. 题目翻译


  2. 本题逻辑错误分析

  a) 这些植物的保护都应该被立法机构重视。因为它们是农民的财产,与城市的财产相比,没有贵贱之分。所以作者认为立法机构可以忽略这些财产的说法是错误的。

  b) 即使城市犯罪问题比较重要,这也未必说明立法机构需要关注一个而轻视另一个。因为立法机构可以同时处理多个问题,关注一个问题并不妨碍另一个问题的解决,所以作者忽略了这个基本的事实。


