
2022-05-19 18:09:01

  GMAT Argument题库是GMAT官方指南中给出的145道论证辨析写作题(Analysis of an Argument)的汇总,论证辨析题是GMAT分析性写作(Analytical Writing Assessment)中的写作任务,要求考生对给出的一个已知论证进行逻辑错误分析和客观论证。SmartStudy Argument逐题精讲课堂通过对每一个Argument题目的解构,在指出所有逻辑错误的同时,再现做出此种判断的理由和过程,給予细致的解答和指导。


  When scientists finally learn how to create large amounts of copper from other chemical elements, the regulation of copper mining will become unnecessary. For one thing, since the amount of potentially available copper will no longer be limited by the quantity of actual copper deposits, the problem of over-mining will quickly be eliminated altogether. For another, manufacturers will not need to use synthetic copper substitutes, the production of which creates pollutants. Thus, since two problems will be settled—over-mining and pollution—it makes good sense to reduce funding for mining regulation and either save the money or reallocate it where it is needed more.

  1. 题目翻译


  2. 本题逻辑错误分析

  a) 不从铜矿来合成铜未必能解决过度开采的问题。因为新合成路线的经济性未必比从铜矿开采更理想。如果从铜矿开采更加便宜,那么铜矿仍然会是铜的一个主要来源。如此一来,过度开采仍然可能是一个问题。

  b) 即使过度开采问题可能得到解决,污染的问题未必也能得到解决。因为通过传统的方法合成得到铜的路线可能更加经济,所以生产商们不一定会放弃这种方法。如此一来,污染仍可能会持续。

  c) 即使采矿控制不再是必要的,削减资金也会导致一些负面影响。比如这会使得一部分工人失业,造成社会问题;或者是采矿技术的停滞,导致其他矿业的效率和发展受到影响。


