GMAC会在考后10天。发到你的信箱里一个link,限你在24小时之内查看你的作文成绩。考生点击link,进去之后输入你的authentic code就可以了。下载的report是PDF格式的。使用adobe pdf reader就可以看了。
GMAC会在考后10天。发到你的信箱里一个link,限你在24小时之内查看你的作文成绩。考生点击link,进去之后输入你的authentic code就可以了。下载的report是PDF格式的。使用adobe pdf reader就可以看了。
Holy Ghost Prep. School
William Light R-12 School
Bacone College
Hope International University
Vermont Secondary College
Faith Lutheran High School
Purcell School of Music
Massanutten Military Academy
Dandenong High School
Sonoma State University
Canterbury Christ Church University
University of East London
Green Fields School
Stetson University
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
Plaza College
Otis College of Art and Design
Vancouver Film School