
2022-05-31 22:16:43

  GMAT Argument题库是GMAT官方指南中给出的145道论证辨析写作题(Analysis of an Argument)的汇总,论证辨析题是GMAT分析性写作(Analytical Writing Assessment)中的写作任务,要求考生对给出的一个已知论证进行逻辑错误分析和客观论证。SmartStudy Argument逐题精讲课堂通过对每一个Argument题目的解构,在指出所有逻辑错误的同时,再现做出此种判断的理由和过程,給予细致的解答和指导。


  Of all the cities in their region, Beaumont and Fletcher are showing the fastest growth in the number of new businesses. Therefore, Avia should establish a commuter route between them as a means of countering recent losses on its main passenger routes. And to make the commuter route more profitable from the outset, Avia should offer a 1/3 discount on tickets purchased within two days of the flight. Unlike tickets bought earlier, discount tickets will be nonrefundable, and so gain from their sale will be greater.

  1. 题目翻译


  2. 本题逻辑错误分析

  a) 建立两座城市间的航线未必能使航空公司实现盈利。因为两座城市的发展与两座城市间的交通未必是一个必然的联系。可能这两座城市的发展各自独立,互相之间没有太多的商业往来。

  b) 即使建立航线是可行的,这一建议也可能有负面影响。航空公司未必有钱来进行建立这条航线相关的投资,比如购买新飞机和雇佣驾驶员等。

  c) 即使建立新的航线没有那么大的负面影响,这个建议也未必是最佳的。因为可能投资其它方面能更多地提高利润,比如提高航班上的服务质量,降低飞行的成本,等等。


